Mr. president? You are Fired!
I am going to start with this report:
Obama Report: We Knew Extremist Was On Detroit Flight “Administration officials initially had tried to downplay the incident. But in the past week, a litany of errors emerged that enabled a 23-year-old Nigerian with known terrorist inclinations, who paid for his ticket with cash and checked no luggage on an international flight, and who had an explosive device hidden in his underwear…..There is no indication, however, that U.S. officials attempted to alert the crew of Flight 253 that a potential security risk was abroad the aircraft.” [italics mine]
Well heck, if we didn’t have so many of our highly trained CIA agents stationed in the Arctic watching the Polar Ice Caps melt while we working citizens were being cataloged on the DHS Watch List for disagreeing that this president has ANY business being in office AT ALL, perhaps we could have had our sh!# together enough to catch him. He didn’t have a passport either by the way, Man aided terror suspect onto plane without passport. And BO’S POLLS AREN’T BEING AFFECTED? Really?
And these related: De Borchgrave: Obama's Weak Response to Airliner Attack Increases Threat to U.S. and
Administration Knew of Tactic Used in Airliner Attack Since October
FLASHBACK: For Immediate Release May 21, 2009 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON NATIONAL SECURITY “…my single most important responsibility as President is to keep the American people safe. It's the first thing that I think about when I wake up in the morning. It's the last thing that I think about when I go to sleep at night.
And this responsibility is only magnified in an era when an extremist ideology threatens our people, and technology gives a handful of terrorists the potential to do us great harm. We are less than eight years removed from the deadliest attack on American soil in our history. We know that al Qaeda is actively planning to attack us again. We know that this threat will be with us for a long time, and that we must use all elements of our power to defeat it.
Already, we've taken several steps to achieve that goal. For the first time since 2002 (blame Bush), we're providing the necessary resources and strategic direction to take the fight to the extremists who attacked us on 9/11 in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We're investing in the 21st century military and intelligence capabilities that will allow us to stay one step ahead of a nimble enemy. We have re-energized a global non-proliferation regime to deny the world's most dangerous people access to the world's deadliest weapons (really, is that what you call this?). And we've launched an effort to secure all loose nuclear materials within four years. We're better protecting our border, and increasing our preparedness for any future attack or natural disaster. We're building new partnerships around the world to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates. And we have renewed American diplomacy so that we once again have the strength and standing to truly lead the world.”
Oh, ok. Umm...I have a few questions Mr. Present president,
- Is that why you sent our CIA to watch polar ice melt because you were up day and night worried about our safety? CIA Resources Diverted to Climate Change
- Is that why you took 3 days to address the nation, An Absentee and Complacent President but you stopped your golf game right away for your friend’s hurt child? Terrible thing to have happen, a hurt child, but it’s not 300 people who are all probably suffering PSTD over what might have been their last Christmas Day on this earth!
- Is that why you aren’t demanding resignations yet because you are so concerned about our safety?
Here, let me help you. I’ll start the list and list the reasons for you…
- Hillary Clinton – Besides the fact that Hillary Clinton's Agency Issued the Terrorist's Visa, she decides she wants to take more of our safety, not to mention our Constitutional Rights away by committing her intention to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty. Hillary Clinton Commits To UN Small Arms Treaty. She just needs to go. She doesn't do anything unless somebody asks her about her husband, only then do you see some emotion! Never though, I repeat NEVER does she show any strength when it comes to AMERICA'S safety! Rather, she runs around with Overcharge buttons!
- Janet “The System Worked” Napolitano with her “what she says” BS….Napolitano: No indication of larger terror plot (which means our beliefs at this point in time must be exactly the opposite)! Especially considering this little gem ….Warning on Detroit suspect didn't rise above the 'noise' OH! And this, Homeland Security’s National Operations Center ‘Unable’ to Do Its Job, Inspector General Finds, who couldn’t manage to implement National Security (Secretary Napolitano Delays Implementation of Crucial National Security Law). Then this lovely statement, as if she finally figured out we aren’t all as stupid as she looks Napolitano Now Says Airline Security System Failed.
- Souther’s - before he ever gets back in front of the Senate, simply because he is not ethical TSA Nominee Misled Congress; White House Defends: and he wants to unionize the biggest cluster#^@% ever to be formed (Caught: TSA pick boasts of 'joining' security with unions) which most of those genius’s in Congress wrote and approved.
- Whoever is in charge of TSA currently – “Arrest em” Hawley (Traveller detained by TSA for calling head of TSA an idiot) or whoever is in acting head of that disaster continuing to happen (Attacks on screeners could endanger passengers, TSA workers say). Oh and by the way, while you are firing what's his name, don’t blame DeMint on your own failures as a president with-a-little-p because we know You Waited 8 Months To Appoint a New TSA Head. You weren't in too much of a hurry to do your duty…must not have had too many sleepless nights....
- Eric Holder, because he is one of the biggest detriments (White House: Justice Dept. made decision to hold Detroit bomber in civilian justice system) to your performance as Trainee in Chief with his hell bent "read ‘em their Miranda rights" dictates. So much so that NYC Mayor Bloomberg Has to Say Security for KSM Terror Trial to Cost $216 Million of which charges I’m pretty sure will mean that besides completely offending the majority of Americans also will be deducted directly out of our paychecks. You remember we the people? The taxpaying citizenry, whom as you say, it is your most important job to protect, right? Meanwhile he tops that little gem off (by your direction) by ordering the arrest Navy Seals, Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted ...! Those guys are over there, WILLING TO DIE IN THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT US, and you are REALLY going to try them for slapping an enemy combatant? Really? And you dare call yourself presidential? Can I just say SIR, The Judiciary is No Place to Make National Security Decisions! Fire him! Otherwise we wonder exactly what you are trying to say here with this absolute nonsense of trying terrorists in American courts... I don’t know - are you trying to say that you are Muslims and you don’t want to sign the death decree should they be sentenced in war court because that will go against the Koran, perhaps? You can be like Herrod in the civilian courts, wash your hands of it, don't have to sign the decree...hmmm. I wonder...
- Jim “shock a day” Jones – your National Security Advisor! Don’t “tweak” terrorism, confront it! What an obvious CYA yesterday's press conference was! Makes me sick!
- Michael “gee, I think I’ll take a ski trip” Leiter, the director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center Who knew what under investigation, and his boss, John "It was my fault" Brennan - Man in Charge of Analyzing Terror-Threat Info Did Not Interrupt Ski Vacation After Attempted Airplane Bombing, Report Says
- And Finally, YOU SIR! Mr. Barack Hussein Obama! You are A Constitutional National Security Crisis of Your Own Creation . You should resign effective immediately. As sad as it is, we would be safer with that Gaffmaestro you named as your Second-in-Command and whom you obviously now so despise. Your Knee Jerk reactions and your lies, dodging and weaving has left us wanting. EDITORIAL: Obama denies crotch bomber conspiracy. Oh, but there's many more reasons than that, here's just a few of the cream of the crop:
- You opened up Gitmo. Freed Guantánamo inmates are heading for Yemen to join al-Qaeda fight...
- The guys you released to Yemen are coming back to haunt us. Was the Fruit of the Loon Bomber Trained by Gitmo Honor Graduate? You can't tell us that you didn't know prior that the Yemen minister said "We have 300 al Qaeda militants planning attacks"... because if you do, then you weren't DOING YOUR JOB and that's still grounds for your resignation! Al Qaeda Leaders in Yemen Released by U.S. from Guantanamo 2 of the 4 released, SIR?
- And what about those guys in Bermuda? Where are they and what are they planning? Or the 8 Uighers? Hmmm? Many Ex-Detainees Return to Terror, Pentagon Says . Exactly how many is “many” SIR? Pentagon: One in five return to fight after leaving Gitmo Are you SURE about that? Are you absolutely POSITIVE that ART THERAPY works for the other 4?
- You gave Hamas (Obama Decrees: Massive Immigration of Hamas Refugees from Gaza ...) and Yemeni’s repatriation (State Department Using 'Diversity Visas' to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen) to America, to be citizens of this country, living among us and your total aid to the Hamas now is nearly YET ANOTHER TRILLION of our “redistributed dollars”! US Gaza Aid To Top $900M: says US Official.
- You, SIR! I believe you WANT to see regular hard working Americans either dead or broke, whichever comes first. YOU care NOTHING for the hard working American Citizen’s of these United States. Nothing! You care only for your elite status, your big parties, celebrities fawning all over you, Soros's attention, flitting around everywhere as you please, in our jet, on our dime no less, BOWING to the head’s of state wherever you go! You care about NOTHING else except fundementally "changing" America into a third world, Sharia Lawed Socialist State. There is no OTHER REASONABLE EXPLANATION FOR YOUR ACTIONS! Are The Elite Inviting a Terror Attack in America in Order to Have A Crisis to Exploit? We wonder SIR, I guarantee you that!
- You transfer highly trained individuals from CIA to the other farce brought upon the American people, Global Warming? CIA Resources Diverted to Climate Change, like what are they gonna do, jujitsu to hold the ice caps back? The American people paid for their training so that we could be safe, so that they could gather evidence and thwart any attacks on our soil. And you DARE to send them off to war on Global WARMING? We are at WAR FOR OUR VERY EXSISTENCE!
- You open up State secrets (Obama Curbs Secrecy of Classified Documents -, war prisoner secrets, Obama's State Secrets Overreach, thereby removing the ONLY veils of protection we have from these horrible, hateful jihadists while you abuse, belittle and terrorize your own citizens, Our Incompetent Civilization? BTW - That isn’t a hate crime to say that. What they try to do to us because we don’t believe the way they do, now THAT is a HATE CRIME! To Hell with Political Correctness!
- You spend a year going after law abiding American Citizens (Statement By Deputy Press Secretary Matt Chandler On DHS' Efforts To Enhance Driver's License Security) and Veterans, New DHS Domestic Terrorism Report Targets Millions of Americans, offering so lovingly to put WH cookies on our boxes when we visit your webpage 'Cookie' Anyone?: White House May Track Visitors to ... or your facebook, while you call us and the Veterans DOMESTIC TERRORISTS because we *gasp* disagree with your freaking politics (for obviously pretty damn good reasons)! Then, when you aren’t busy building enemies lists or attacking a right leaning commentator or Fox news (Lamar Alexander to Barack Obama: No 'enemies list') -of which I am pretty sure I already belong, you are either out of the country, golfing or on another FREAKING vacation! Whatever it is you are doing, it is anything BUT addressing the grave attacks in a timely and presidential manner and doing your main job, to protect the American Citizens from attack. No, instead you open up State secrets and open the door wide to our enemies, take over our freedom, rahm through Healthcare reform, bail out bankers, steal car dealerships from entreprenuers, and steal our and our children's childrens money! You lie, you steal, you cheat and you have some really truly sick friends. You know that the Terrorism Threat Demands Smarter Security, Not More Money yet you do nothing about that at all.
- You are freaking calling us racists at every turn (google it yourself, it’ll give you something to do besides pretend to protect Americans) or you have your Obamabot media tingle seekers do it for you rather than hunt down and kill people who would kill us! 'More Than One-third of All Terrorist Plots Since 9/11 Transpired in 2009' News flash SIR, your pigmentation is not my concern. My constitutional rights, my freedom, my liberty, my safety and that of my children, my healthcare choice, and my hard-earned paychecks, THOSE are my concerns. You want it all and yet all is not enough for you. So I don’t like you. Not one bit. Call me whatever you will, but know that I know the truth. Sticks and stones buddy. Where your problem is so ideologically, spiritually and realistically truly screwed up you may never find NORMAL…a NAMBLA fan for safe school czar? Really.
- You leave our soldiers and our CIA operatives open to attack in Afghanistan and 7 die, in large part because you dithered (Obama's Afghanistan policy isn't 'dithering.' It's 'reckless ...). 7 whose knowledge and wherewithal we will never get back.
- It took so long for you to put troops in there that the only thing you succeeded in doing was further endangering our troops (US casualties 'will rise to 500 a month')! Meanwhile the enemy was plugging away at recruiting and training for going on 200 days! When Obama is faced with a problem, what does he do? Review and NATO intelligence chief issues scathing critique of military intelligence in Afghanistan and Obama Will Spend More on Welfare in the Next Year Than Bush Spent on Entire Iraq War, Study Reveals
- You use a guy who is known to have problems (Fort Hood shooter asked about 'killing Americans in 2008'), who was used on your terrorism task force, who later BLEW AWAY 13 grown up soldiers like sardines in a can along with one unborn child, What was the most covered-up story of 2009? and you didn’t even mention that issue first in the speech you gave while it was still happening until the very end! President Obama delivers remarks on Ft. Hood shooting at end of ...
- Beside putting the CIA on the all important ice cap watch, you decided to cut NCTC funding NCTC Was Slated For Deep Budget Cuts, you bury it all under emergency healthcare reform and you think we don’t know that this is your MO, A 40-Year Wish List - You are an insensitive and incompetent SCHMUCK! Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting NBC Chicago and you do not deserve to be our president. You have proven that time and time again!
- It took you 3 days to address this nation on this latest attack while you were Dithering in Paradise
- It was 4 days and the WH website still had no mention of the underpants bomber on your site!!! White House Web Site Does Not Address Failed Terror Attack
- You say there was “No evidence of collusion with other individuals” NO EVIDENCE OF ACCOMPLICES..., until, of course, there was… FLASHBACK: Flight 253 passenger claimed Abdulmutallab accompanied by 'well dressed' man, helped him on plane without 'passport'... then you all lied about it....until you didn't anymore... Report of 2nd man cuffed from Flight 253 confirmed
- You lie - White House accuses Downing Street of making 'a mistake' over intelligence claim about what Britain told you, MI5 told US about Detroit bomber's terror links 'a year ago', and then you don't even mention that in your report yesterday. Own up dude, Man UP!
- YOU knew three days before and you gave NO WARNING or heightened security measures, EXCLUSIVE: Obama Got Pre-Christmas Intelligence Briefing About Terror Threats to "Homeland"
- You STILL continue to make excuses for the haters, you tell us you are worried we will "profile" them, which by our very own justice dept is proven not true (The Myth of the Anti-Muslim Backlash), while Christians and Jews are put down at every turn Christian witnessing a no-no on campus. Did you know SIR that Hate Crimes last year were overwhelmingly for the Jewish people that you seem so much to put down? You cover for your cabinet members and for your failures.
- You STILL apologize to them when you should be apologizing to US! U.S. Terrorism Czar: Christmas Day Plot 'Not Like 9/11' even after they accuse US and Mossad colluding to order the attack! Washington DC IMAM "Attempted Christmas Day Plane Bombing is the Work of The U.S. Government, and Mossad" Flashback: U.S.: Panel Cites Lack Of Imagination In Failure To Prevent 9/11 Attacks
- You knew he was in the air and you didn’t CALL THE PILOT or at the very least have one of your lackluster appointees do it for you so you wouldn’t have to interrupt your VACATION (the 9th one in 11 months)? US learned intelligence on airline bomb suspect while he was en route
- And I haven't even mentioned the disasters waiting to happen with the Missile Shield or Iran! Your policies are going to get us all killed!
You are one lucky man for whatever reason there Barry, who Has Had A Very Lucky Escape With the Detroit Bomber, but you know what? Your luck has run out. The majority of Americans would dance in the street if you resign. We don’t want you in the Oval Office anymore. We want a REAL President. America Waits For Leadership. We want you out of the office and back to your community service where you belong, with the groups who all just think you are as sick minded as they are. MEET THE EVIL ANTI-AMERICAN...ANTI-CONSTITUTION...THE SHADOW PARTY...! DEEP, DARK AND PERVASIVELY EVIL...! We want you to live forever with your failures. We don’t want terrorists or enemy combatants tried in OUR courts, Nigerian Indicted in Terrorist Plot unless their names are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, James Jones, Michael Leiter, Ben Bernanke, Janet Napolitano and a whole bunch of bankers, congresspeople and senators.
We don’t want Gitmo closed, Mr. Obama, Those Are OUR Prisoners at Gitmo, Not Yours; Leave Them Where They Are.
We are DONE apologizing to people who hate us simply because we aren’t like them, Radicalization is alive and well in the U.S. we are non-muslims and for that they hate us so badly (Ex-CIA agent: Threat From Al Qaeda Greater Now Than on 9/11) that they would blow 300 people out of the air on Christmas day who are just trying to get to their homes to visit family, children, women, men, AMERICANS! What If the Bomb Had Gone Off?
What is wrong with you?! What PART of You is BROKEN? Why aren’t you OUTRAGED! Why the "review" instead of just the truth? Transparency indeed! You know the truth, you just can't HANDLE the TRUTH! Could this actually be the greatest and potentially the deadliest of your screw ups so far? You betcha! This is your nail buddy, the one that split wide open your little Alinsky-loving shriveled walnut of a soul. 'You Mr. Obama get an 'F' for protecting Americans'!
NO MORE! We've Got You Figured Out! You just want the news doled out piecemeal to us, find a way to say you did it better than Bush (The Politics of Incompetence) so we won’t freaking notice exactly how incompetent you are, or what bullshit you are cramming down our throats, but guess what SIR, for all your brains, you deeply underestimate the intelligence of the American people and our will to keep our borders safe and our country free.
Your job SIR is not to REVIEW, IT IS LIKE YOU SAID, FIRST AND FOREMOST PROTECT THE CITIZENS from our enemies! In other words, it is to know how to do it out the GATE! That little thing we like to call experience…. We want a Man in Charge, Dude. Don’t send your girlie men, your bullies, your joke of dog wagger or your new manly girls anymore because they provide No Comfort At All!
Go back to Chicago and run as Deputy Mayor with Rahmmy boy! Better yet, go back to Kenya and find a surrogate mom to re-read the constitution to you first thing every morning again because you obviously didn't understand it the first time around! Just get out of our WHITE HOUSE! We don't want a president who MAKES TOP 10 LIST OF CORRUPT POLITICIANS! FREAKING RESIGN ALREADY!!!!! Sort of a god, sir? More like shades of the devil himself. Resign!