Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Rebuttal to Liberal Lunacy In The Form of NYTimes Frank Rich

Since The Times refused to post my rebuttal to Frank Rich in his piece "The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged Violent invective, once largely confined to blogs and talk radio, is now spreading among Republicans in public office or aspiring to it.", I decided to post it here.

Frank, you’ve really no idea from where you speak, do you? That you would even place Stack in with Tea Partiers shows you are being a hack in order to ruffle feathers, rather than a serious reporter or opinion maker.

The majority of Tea Party activists are regular moms and dads who learned about the constitution and the true history of this country in school. I might add, we were the last generation to do so, from the last baby boomer through the oldest remaining.
We are teaching our kids. We are uniting in freedom. We don’t need a “leader”, we were born in freedom and we understand it innately. We don't like BIG government, as opposed to your accusation of any government at all.

We are staid, work a day, average Americans who are looking on with alarm at our:

  • Shrinking (or non-existent) paychecks
  • At the loss of our freedoms
  • At the mass creation of fiat dollars
  • At “jobless recoveries” (whatever the heck that means)
  • At government owned everything
  • At bank and company bailouts and
  • At an uncontrolled, uncontrollable government and business symbiosis that will, if given the chance, catapult us into a 1930's style Germany where the likes of IG Farben and the government gained the position of ruling everything.

We fully understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We know and understand the sayings of our forefathers "A government big enough...", "When the people fear their government..." Look them up, they aren’t hard to find. They were warnings to the people of America that were and remain prophetic.

We don't want a nation where government workers outnumber private sector workers who make more money (off our backs) than the private sector employees (through free enterprise). We don't want a world where fake overprinted fiat dollars draws down the value of everything, where we are working three quarters of the year just to meet the hunger of BIG government while leaving our families wanting because of the pittance we are allowed to keep. We don't want, as Evan Thomas so proudly proclaimed, to all be socialists now, led by a sort of a god!

We are reasoned and reasonable middle class people who see our class, through the likes of Goldman Sachs (because of naked short selling, M2M, CDO’s, CDS’s and the removal of the uptick rule) who will literally steal $18 Trillion dollars worth of this nation’s personal wealth - the people’s wealth. Wealth we worked very hard to gain. We want to be responsible for our own families first, then reach out to others second, as it should be.

Our goal is not to feed the ever-hungry government who now has its eye on our personal healthcare and our retirement funds.

We will stand against a government who will take everything for the elite on Wall Street and the Soros’ of the world, who will allow "too big to fail" companies to make use of our future dollars to turn the biggest profit ever in a single quarter (immediately following the bailouts) and who now turn their greed on the likes of Greece as they short everything to steal what is left there. We didn’t create this mess. They did. Let them dig us out.

We aren't sheep. We aren't stupid. We aren't crazy. We simply see too many similarities to other points in history and we simply refuse to go there. We are making our voices heard. We are successful through peaceful means, as exampled in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts elections. There are more of those to come, Mr. Rich. Mark my words.

I was one of the tea party people to meet with Michael Steele. I will gladly meet with Tim Kaine. We don't believe in “no government” as you accuse, we understand the need for politics. We simply believe in balance, the rule of law, our constitution and personal responsibility.

In this country the elected are servants of the people. We are a REPUBLIC. We have successfully held off the healthcare disaster to date, Cap and Trade and many more. We will continue to do so because between those two bills and the bailouts, we are looking at nearly 30% of the GDP. A country like ours cannot sustain itself on that level of the GDP being government owned. We know that. The question remains,” Why don't you?”

We aren't the Stack’s of the world, but we are a force to be reckoned with. You can’t control us, no one does. We are independent minded successful people who have made it this far without government involvement and we plan to keep it that way. We are moms, dads, company owners, kids and grandparents who believe vociferously in the American Dream. We will not allow any bully pulpit, any president or one party rule situation take that away from our kids. They deserve the very same opportunities we had. No less.

So please. Learn from where you speak. Look at your man’s polls. We are the great people of this nation and no single man, president or not will take us down.

We are the people.
We have our rights god-given, not man given, therefore they can not be taken away.
We won’t allow that to happen.
Just watch us November 2, 2010 and again in 2012.
We, the giant are now awake and we are watching every single move this government is making. We do surround you, in size, in votes, in numbers.
We don’t need violence or crazy misled acts. We can do this all on our own, one vote at a time.

Fear THAT!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meeting with Michael Steele and the Tea Party Groups

As many of you know, Cheryl, Terri and I went to the grassroots private meeting with Michael Steele last evening. We understand there is some controversy within the various conservative groups surrounding this meeting. Some are saying we shouldn’t be taking a seat before what could be considered a “part of the problem”. We felt strongly that without having a face to face with party leaders we would be effectively shutting down the most important part of the process: that of allowing our group’s voice to be heard to the powers that be.

Over the course of the next few days, we will be explaining what happened here in detail, but first we wanted to give an overview of the takeaways from this meeting and address the concerns and the news.

We believe that to be effective leaders for the group, one of our main responsibilities is to take advantage of any opportunity to be heard by the leaders of every political avenue available. We believe that to be fully aware of someone’s intentions, it is the best and fastest to simply ask them.

We were very direct as a group last night to ask the RNC Party Chairman if his intentions were to co-opt the various groups and if the GOP’s intention was to fold on Healthcare Reform. We were very pleased by his answers on these questions and many others.

Overall, this was a fantastic meeting. Not only because of what Michael Steele said to us, but more than that, how much he listened to what we had to say. I mean really listened. We were slated to be there for one hour, we were in that meeting for going on 3.5 hours. That was quite a telling statement to us. The RNC is getting that it is high time they sat and listened, took it on the chin and heard what the groups that were represented wanted from our various leaders. It is important to note – we were not there representing the “movement”, we were there representing our group.

Mr. Steele made three key points to us:

  1. Maintain the energy in our groups, amp it up even. We are having an earth shattering effect on Washington in general and the DNC/Progressives and their state-run media in particular. In fact, he stated it was nothing short of the effect that the founders had in the first revolution.
  2. Made the very strongly stated point that we are the answer to this country’s problems, not those in various offices or in party leadership. The RNC is looking to us for their marching orders, not the other way around. We are shattering the standards, we are the voters, but we are acting in a way that old established Washington has no idea how to handle, understands it is way bigger then they, and has a sense of fear they will lose this particular war. They don’t know how to poll it, play it, combat it, and they don’t know what to do with it. The old standards aren’t working anymore and we need to keep that up. We learned that Michael Steele originated from DC and is a grassroots based individual whose goal is to shake up party establishment and return to a bottom up organization.
  3. Get out the vote and run them if you’ve got them.

He also taught us the roles of the parties versus the roles of the GOP, the DNC, the candidates, the elected, and the people. It was very interesting and will be the next topic we go over on Friday. This is something we did not understand and we don’t believe many people do understand.

We made many points to him, which we will go over in detail in the coming days. The main ones were:

  1. We do not desire to be co-opted. He answered very clearly that is not a threat at all. What we are hearing is spin and word twisting from left based media and the democrats, not the RNC.
  2. We do not feel he is stating his message clearly at all. He is confusing the issues by what he says versus what he states he feels personally, namely that he is one of us and not of “old party” which makes him the odd man out in Washington. I responded directly to that statement, then rid yourself of the “politi-speak” and make your messages very clear, direct, exact, because we aren’t getting your message.
  3. Part two of that same question was that the ground game for conservatives is not there. We don’t hear the message as conservatives and if we aren’t hearing it, many voters not yet immersed in the movement aren’t hearing it or seeing it. He stated that this will change within the next few weeks. There is an entire bottom up program being finalized now that the RNC will run with to provide us with avenues to utilize.
  4. We stated we are VERY concerned about the Blair House meeting and we want a definitive answer on what their response will be. They aren’t strategizing and we require a strategy. He wrote that down and stated he would talk to minority leaders to encourage them to consider their alternatives and game plans.
  5. We don’t want “the party of no” label. We want “the party of HELL NO!” label.
  6. We voiced quite a few concerns about local issues, and he directed us to involvement with our local RNC and our voice there. Additionally he was very encouraging about the precinct involvement and explained where his duties lie in the scheme of things.
    In addition there were many interesting points made, things we didn’t understand but better understand now. Those we will save for different editions.

What Mr. Steele meant by “Republican’s aren’t ready to win” among other key questions we have had were explained in depth and made great sense, however he did agree that he is not being clear enough.

The key issue I raised was grassroots doesn’t speak politispeak, he needs to be very clear when he makes these statements and he agreed that he was not clarifying his thoughts enough. This is going to hopefully be the beginning of an ongoing dialogue. We are very encouraged and excited by the outcomes last night.

The RNC from Mr. Steele’s perspective is that they don’t want to co-opt us. They are willing to do what we need them to do within the perimeters of their role in politics and the political process. They hear us, and they do fear us.

When we ended our after meeting dinner meeting the group leaders agreed that our motto is “Independent but Together”.

Next edition will cover the role of the NC’s in politics. What we can expect from them as the election moves forward and what is not within their charter to do.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creeping Gradualism

I am so shocked by the following series of articles, yet I have heard barely a ripple of conversation, news reports or pundit discussion concerning its content.

It feels very much like a deep black hole in the information age.

The below articles provides the missing pieces to a very complex puzzle that causes one pause.

Presidential Assassinations of U.S. Citizens
Last week, Glen Greenwald of wrote about a shocking revelation buried in a Washington Post article by Dana Priest which described how the Obama administration has adopted the Bush policy of targeting selected American citizens for assassination if they are deemed by the President to be "terrorists". As The Washington Times' Eli Lake reports, Adm. Dennis Blair was asked about this program at a Congressional hearing Tuesday and he acknowledged its existence:

The U.S. intelligence community policy on killing American citizens who have joined al Qaeda requires first obtaining high-level government approval, a senior official disclosed to Congress on Wednesday.

Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair said in each case a decision to use lethal force against a U.S. citizen must get special permission. . . .He also said there are criteria that must be met to authorize the killing of a U.S. citizen that include "whether that American is involved in a group that is trying to attack us, whether that American is a threat to other Americans. Those are the factors involved."

Where have we heard words like those before?

It is quite a dangerous situation the American people find themselves in, although as a whole, we just don’t know it yet. I am going to do my best attempt to explain why.

It's bringing the frog to a slow boil.

In 1930’s Austria they called it "Creeping Gradualism".

We used to be against tyranny in this country. We fought and won World Wars against it. We fought and won the Revolutionary War for the same reason.

We are a nation completely blind to what is to become of us, what danger awaits us, but I believe that before we know it we are all in danger of being deemed "a threat to other Americans" simply because we don't like the loss of our freedoms and we are organizing to push against this monolithic governmental empire they are creating.

Flashback: We were already identified as potential terrorists in the DHS directive last April. The (U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment document clearly states " the threat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years. In addition, the historical election of an African American president and the prospect of policy changes are proving to be a driving force for rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalization."

My concerns run deep on this issue and although it has constantly nagged me for nearly a year, I just couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me so deeply - besides the obvious, of course. I knew something was drastically wrong, but I didn’t have all the pieces.

Adding the revelation of presidential directive to the puzzle last week and this newest article today, “Obama Admin wants to track cellphones; 'Americans enjoy NO reasonable expectation of privacy', I feel a chill so deep that no Florida sun can penetrate. All the pieces have tumbled into place in my mind.

This President will try Abdulmutallab the pantibomber, KSM of USS Cole fame (whose tribunal he stopped after his admission of guilt at the military trial), and Hasan the infamous soldier slayer in US Civilian Courts.

Obama via Holder will afford them constitutional protection. He has mirandized them. They have just finished trying Pakistani Scientist Aafia Siddiqui and found her guilty of two counts of attempted murder of US Soldiers in Civilian Criminal Courts - yet he ORDERS assassinations on US Citizens without benefit of trial?

At least Bush was consistent in his directive (if that can be considered a plus at all) - but this president acts without the equality of the thing and orders the murder of Americans at the same time he fiercely protects terrorists. Not only that, but he calls it racism to do otherwise.

Do we at all understand what this means to those of us born and raised in America? To the everyday natural citizens of these United States?

Do we know what criteria they are using to determine these American citizens are "terrorists"?

Is it just the newly granted citizens, those who are now known to be terrorists but who somehow made it through citizenship without detection - or is it something far more insidious, something that we only got a whiff of in last April’s DHS missive?

What are the criteria Mr. President? List it out for us, please.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Is it simply okay to give admitted terrorists access to our Constitutional Rights, yet not afford our own citizens those same rights?

Apparently that is our brave new world of hope and change.

The Freedom Stealing Trifecta and One Party Rule

4 Patriot Act
4 Executive Decisions/Directives
4 Congressional Pseudo-Wars

The Patriot Act has effectively suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus for American Citizens.

It allows them to search us at will and detain us indefinitely under "suspicion".

It affords us NO access to speedy trials or even an attorney on the "assumption" that we are a threat.

Apparently it also allows them to assassinate us.

Yet they afford admitted terrorists fair trials with our tax dollars even when they are caught trying to set off a bomb in their panties on a planeload of Christmas Vacationers! SCOTUS stripped us of our right to have an attorney present in May of last year, but this apparently doesn’t apply to terrorists.

The entire purpose of habeas is to say, “Look at me! I’m being detained/abused/disenfranchised contrary to law”. If there’s no writ available, the result is that the government can hold you “against the law”. Since the writ encompasses the full scope of our Constitutional rights, it’s a logical conclusion is to say that while it’s suspended, Americans currently have NO exercisable constitutional rights.

My heart is heavy and my mind is boggled by this as I witness and hear of case after case against our Constitutional and God given rights. Fathers denied their children, children on no fly lists who cannot find recourse to be removed, citizens who are subjected to unlawful search and seizures, and the list goes on and on.

Effectively, they are saying they have all power to do all things because Congress has given the powers of Military License and Force to "protect" citizens, while in reality they take away ALL our liberties in the Patriot Act.

The President, by saying “I can kill you at will because I am the President of the United States and I believe you to be a "terrorist" threat.”, literally means you have a "free for all" from the government’s perspective.

The door has slammed shut on your freedoms.

Creeping gradualism is no longer creeping, my friends, the serfdom has arrived.

What is considered our most basic liberty, our writ of habeas corpus, was finally and completely removed between the trifecta of the AUMF of 2001, the Executive Directive of assassination, and The Patriot Act. All of this because of the very terrorists we are mirandizing right now.

We The People vs The Machine

The Constitution of the United States very clearly states:

1) Congress has the power to declare war.

2) Constitutional provisions cannot be altered by statute.

Based on those 2 points, it is interesting to note that Congress has not actually declared war since Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania on June 5, 1942. They have however, declared many Military Engagements and AUMF's (Authorizations of Use of Military Force) as the functional equivalent of a declaration of war.

In Point 2, nothing in the Constitution can be reasonably construed to allow Congress to reallocate powers to themselves in a more palatable or politically expedient manner. Yet that is precisely the effect the War Powers Resolution, by which "AUMFs" are passed, has done.

It has given them all encompassing political power.

In a time such as this with One Party Rule, this use becomes especially apparent as it did in the late 70’s, the early 90’s, the early to mid 00’s and now again this past year. The problem is that without the checks and balances, soon you become a single party system as seen in the 30’s and 40’s Austria, Germany, China, and are witnessing in Venezuela today through Chavez and his "istas".

Additionally, that is exactly how those currently in Congress intend to continue to use it to order to remain in power with the recent (Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey and the rise of the TEA Party) threats to their One Party Rule status. See Will Obama Play the War Card?

The War Powers Resolution limits Presidential authority in the use of force without an official resolution or declaration of war by Congress.

The controversial question then becomes, "Where the provisions therein are consistent with the Constitution". According to Wikipedia, in an argument for the unconstitutionality of the War Powers Resolution by Philip Bobbitt, it states that

"The power to make war is not an enumerated power" and the notion that to declare" war is to "commence" war is a "contemporary textual preconception". The Framers of the Constitution believed that statutory authorization was the route by which the United States would be committed to war, and that 'declaration' was meant for only total wars, as shown by the history of the Quasi-War with France (1798–1800); in general, constitutional powers are not so much separated as "linked and sequenced"; Congress's control over the armed forces is "structured" by propriation, while the president commands; thus the act of declaring war should not be fetishized."
Bobbitt also argues that "A democracy cannot ... tolerate secret policies" because they undermine the legitimacy of governmental action.”

Based on the in depth analysis of this explanation, the Constitution authorizes Congress to declare war, but it does not authorize Congress to declare Military Force, License or pseudo-wars whether or not they are politically expedient. The “preconception” is actually a misconception and a severe one at that.

3) In light of points 1 and 2, regardless of what Congress may have done, purposed or purports to do in the way of authorizing force, the AUMF is constitutionally a “brick short” of a war declaration.

This leaves the question of whether we have a need to consider or obey the war-time powers of the President - as they have not actually been constitutionally activated.

Logic dictates that the Executive Decision of the President to Assassinate US Citizens is then simply a legal loophole to authorize sending out “hit men” on American Citizens because he (or any of the organizations that he may empower) arbitrarily deem them to be terrorists.

In light of the DHS directive, secret watch lists and any number of things the American public cannot possibly know about, this indeed is a very dangerous position to find ourselves in as average Americans.

4) The Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment states quite clearly that government shall not deprive any person of life without due process of law.

A secret, unilateral, unreviewable determination that an individual is a “terrorist” by the President doesn't in any way, shape or form constitute "due process".

The Door Slamming Shut

The problem we face with this directive doesn't lie with shooting an enemy combatant who is shooting at us, regardless of whether that person is a US Citizen, nor does it include fighting true terrorists. It certainly doesn't concern capturing them, imprisoning them, interrogating them, or killing them before they kill us as those are all "normal" war time activities.

No, the problem lies with effectively calling out a "hit" on an American Citizen whom they arbitrarily determine is a risk, without due process, without a jury of our peers, without known proof or warning, while at the same time securing those same constitutional rights to known enemy combatants and war criminals they have just denied the newly declared American citizen “terrorist”.

Here are two very specific stances of our most recent President's:

1) Targeting specific individual citizens whom they believe have ill intent and ordering them shot on sight, presumably “in other countries”, although Blair didn’t actually use those parameters in his description of the directive.

2) The fact is that they view the world as their battlefield in this AUMF, including hits on citizens of the US, sending drones, secret or pseudo secret actions in Yemen, Pakistan and any other country they damn well please, without concern to collateral damage or definitive proof.

There is war, then there is just playing dirty. I understand that sometimes during war, playing dirty is collateral - it's called strategy - but this is beyond that. This is simply playing dirty most of the time, more so on American Citizens than on the actual enemy. An enemy who consistently breaks the rules of engagement no less: who has no uniforms, no marching orders, just murderous intent regardless of the collateral damage it may cause. In fact, they delight in murdering innocent citizens on their way to work or home for the holidays.

In reality, what highlights an American Citizen as a "terrorist"? Do we know?

We have no idea their criteria, but we have hints to what it might be that constitutes a "terrorist".

4 We have the Terrorist Watch list. Many of us left-titled "right wing extremists" (who are actually just natural and patriotic citizens) are probably teetering on the brink of being on that one because this president doesn't like dissent for his policies. In fact the DHS report says as much.

We may very well reside there simply because we are either Veterans, don't believe in abortion, do believe in the Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms, or we “cling” to our bibles. What of those who act as recruiters to community organizing conservatives, are bloggers, tea partiers, or any other ludicrous thing they can think of to include to marginalize and attack us?

4 We have the "No Fly List" (which houses untold natural US citizens), and

4 We have recent “questionable” citizenships they examine – unless, of course, they are Muslim – for that would be racist profiling.

4 Furthermore we have no access to any of the above lists, nor do we know if we, as an individual sit on either of the first two “lists”, and if we do, why we are there. We apparently can't find recourse to be removed from said list as recent revelations by those who find themselves on said list can attest.

This leads to the very real conclusion that anyone on a no fly list, a government deemed “right wing extremist” or virtually anyone the government targets could realistically be shot on sight or meet some other fatal event, even though he may have no prior knowledge of being on some list somewhere. The question that follows this conclusion then is: would that include his or her traveling companions as well? What if there are children around this big bad townhall attendee, veteran or tea partier?

Who’s to say since the world is the administrations battlefield, that regular people couldn’t meet with some “unfortunate accident” in their own backyard or driving to work one day? Who’s to say it couldn’t be one of us? Will we be shocked then?

The meaning of this executive directive is simply too broad, too secret, too arbitrary and far too outside the confines of the Constitutional boundaries under which our leaders rule. When considering we have 8 year olds who have been battling to be removed from the no fly list for 3 years, who are surely no danger to the US, it is highly likely there are other innocents who have been deemed dangerous to the US. I can easily extrapolate that list could include those of us who disagree with this president’s policies, whom he has already called out as “extremists”, and of which the DHS has further extrapolated the term to mean “terrorists” - or at the very least “terrorists in the making”.

The fact is that individual citizens have no chance to defend themselves against such a charge and it is a charge unbeknownst to them in most cases. They are a target and the President can simply say “just take them out”. That quickly. POOF! You are no more.

Combine those facts with the newly revealed adjacent "policy" that tells us the government has purposely allowed known terrorists into the US for Surveillance purposes. A policy which obviously has the potential to foment war upon the citizens of these United States, since such a one could escape surveillance easily enough in order to do the dirty deed they came here to do.

For good measure add in the loss of our economic freedoms that has been proven to have been brought upon us through a combination of congress, President’s (CFR and redistribution initiatives), cabinet appointees (deregulation of SEC trading rules), and the purposeful, proven “negligence” of the Federal Reserve. It becomes clear that we now have quite a dangerous stew of policies going on in this country today. Policies that should deeply disturb all of us.

We can’t fight it, we don't know exactly what it is. Even if we did, they won’t listen because it contains their belief in superiority, their political expediency to remain in control, and entitled elitism. Nor do we have the funds left to flee or to protect ourselves against it, which is exactly the definition of our "economic freedoms".

They are playing quite dangerously with the rights afforded us by our constitution: our safety, security, privacy, redress, petition, protest, due process, economic freedom, and our personhood rights - those of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are manipulating with their pseudo-war time activities. They are playing in such a way as to endanger ALL US Citizens, not just those deemed “bad seed” - and they dare say we the people are the threat to this country?

Are we a threat to their policies through peaceful resistance? I certainly hope we are.

Are we a threat to their plans to stay in power through the web of campaign contributions, States of Emergencies and further pseudo-war actions they themselves have built? We had better be.

Are we a threat to their ever increasing credit lines and their license to makes us all serfs?

If we aren’t, we might as well hand over our property and simply lie down in the coffin now, for we can all be labeled “terrorist serfs” now.

Additional Recommended Reading: "They Thought They Were Free" by Milton Mayer. A study of the takeover of a people by Nazi Germany.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm Tired

Every single day... My job is to aggregate the news, for about 300,000 readers every day of the week.

It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck on the Obama Team to switching the channel to the three stooges on the Republican side.

Will they ever learn that we get it?

We get their lies and their half truths.

We know they are wagging the dog.

We see right through them.

I don’t think so. But does that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Sarkozy’s turning right when we turn left. Russia’s fighting Putin’s last gasp for power, while Britain is sticking their finger up their nose, and the terrorists are keeping us in chains.


Obama, either lead or get off the freaking pot.

Prime Minister Brown, you suck.

China, take your dreams of world domination, AND your money and go home.

I’m tired. I’m tired of the political posturing and the BS.

We all know that freedom reigns. So either you get it or you don’t, but leave us alone.

We don’t want your Sharia laws. We are more than you. You can’t win.

We don’t want your socialism. We are more than you. You can’t win.

We can fix the economy, if you will get out of our way.

We can fix the country when you get out of our way.

We don’t want your affirmative action.

We want to be citizens of the UNITED STATES. United. Not hearing that we are haters because we don’t want government run healthcare or the third freaking debt ceiling increase in as many months.

We are Americans.

We know how to industrialize.

We know how to capitalize and we know how to freaking grow the GDP.

So move on with your rhetoric, because WE ARE DONE.

You suck.

We don’t.

We are free people.

You can’t take that away. We won’t let you.

Go back and run for mayor of Chicago, BO, with your “retarded” totally non-PC buddy, faux Chief of Staff Rahmbo, you freaking bow-crazy, big-eared dumbo. It is the job you should’ve gotten. Not freaking Annihilator in Chief.

America is done.

We will not serve you, regardless of whether the loonies from bollywood do.
We will not serve you. Regardless of the amount of groveling you do.
We will not serve you.
We will not work for you to take our money and redistribute it to the world.
We will not serve you.
Need more be said?