Sen. Bunning: 'Paygo Means Paygo'
In effect, Sen. Bunning said to his congressional colleagues, "Before we expand a program, let's make sure we can pay for it." Defying Democrats and most Republicans, he objected to a motion for unanimous consent on an extension of unemployment benefits.
I can’t even express how disappointed I am in both parties that a month ago they passed Paygo and they are already beating up the only Senator prepared to hold them to their word.
Yes, times are hard, but unless big government controls its spending, we will never pull out of this. We simply cannot TRIPLE down on our deficit in a single year and expect things to go well in 10 years. With interest rates at their lowest ever now, and interest payments to China, to the Fed, to the UK, to everywhere already obscene, what will we see in 10 years at this interest rate? 800 billion a day in interest payments? What then if interest rates increase?
Everyone thinks their group is entitled, that it does good - from drug and alcohol rehab centers to families needing longer unemployment, to poor folks buying their American dream home – when and where does it end?
To turn it around will be painful, but turn it around we must. Lest they be forced eventually to begin killing off “the teaming mass of humanity” clamoring for ever more free rides. Hence healthcare reform and OTC vitamins…what better way to quickly cull the “non productive”, those of us with pre-existing anything, illness, addiction or simple greed?
Not only that, but I am so weary of the Dems new line…do it for pre-existing! If that were true, why are they already proposing to cull benefits for the elderly and infirm on Medicaid/Medicare. Their lies are the web that entraps.
It is a lie straight from the pits of hell and we must stop it NOW!
Update: For a great blog on this subject, check out Senator Bunning Was Right from my good friend Frank over at the Telemachus Leaps blog.
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