Saturday, May 2, 2009

Taking Back Hope

I was asked last night, "What else can we do?". I was told today through the grapevine by someone else that maybe we were trying to do too much. The latter statement is something I strongly disagree with even though I can see that to some it may look that way. It is not upsetting, actually it is galvanizing to me. To be successful, you have to think big, right?

I believe it is up to the people to change the way we do things. Like a marriage takes hard work to repair, so does a country. If we, as a whole, go about our own personal duties, lose touch with our loved one, and perhaps took for granted our relationship would always remain the same, we now know one thing. Being in any relationship is kind of like a marriage, whether it be to a single individual, a group or even an entire country - if we take something for granted, it can turn away, even when it is a while before we know it turned away. That is where I see us now, as conservatives, our country turned away from us.

So what can we do to stop this out of control world, to take it back to what we can live with and further? Here are just a few of my thoughts...

First, we must stop re-electing the same old, same old. If we want change that demands a smaller, more responsive government, lower taxes, etc., we start first with our party chairperson. We tell them what it is we expect from those they back and fund. Then we go to talk to the State chairperson, saying much the same.

We take a contingent from each State’s 912project and we go make a visit to our respective parties, each person along their party lines, but we go together as a State group. We list our grievances with them. When we do not see a change there (and they won't believe us at first), we write a group letter, we sign the letter individually to say that we are all dropping out of their party to join another. We tear up our party card and place the bits in the envelope with the letter. Then we, as county groups go together to our respective voter registrar for our lunch hour one day and we proceed to change our parties - that very day. We invite the media when we do so.

We write letters to the editor often, we blog the truth daily, we go to the county conservative meetings, our own and other groups. As a group, our State 912 is doing a lot to organize to help us find our voices. We make sure we attend and participate, as well as invite our friends or people we meet to join us. We start book clubs, hold seminars, sponsor Tea Parties, watch and fight the bills and appointments that are dangerous to our freedoms, and we attend the functions and events as often as possible realizing that there is just not a more important role we can play at this time in our history. We help other groups with their functions and most importantly, we help one another Live and Give in freedom.

We understand that it is not only our military whose duty it is to sacrifice and to put their lives on hold, possibly even laying them on the line, to protect our country; it is each and every citizen’s duty to be active in our government.

We stop expecting the people we elect, during this time anyway, to represent us. Instead, we cause them to shudder at the sight of us. We want them feeling nauseous every day as they face going into the office. We want to take away their toys. They will not like that very much. We stay in their face with letters, calls, faxes, visits, petitions, marches and we focus on staying in their face for at least an hour out of every day. We remember, this is our freedom, our Constitution and our way of life they are tearing down, and we have a DUTY to not allow them to do that.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears its people, there is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson

The moment we see that a representative is not voting in the Constitution's best interest, we should recall our elected representatives (for the States that have that option in their constitution), we start those petitions and we carry them through. If we are in a State that does not have the recall option, when their terms are up, they are voted out. No excuses. No apologies. We work just as hard on getting them booted out as others did getting them elected. We find that grassroots politician and we help that hopeful, we give of our money and our time. I could really care less if we ended up with an entire freshman congress and senate at once; we have to make sure the government and financial elite know we will not stand for this. And we do not elect MORE lawyers!

For those who are so inclined, we set up prayer schedules with our friends. We spend every day praying that God would move in a miraculous way to halt this crazy train we find ourselves on. We set a schedule, take 10 minutes and sit in prayer, every day specifically for this country, its people and our leaders.

We realize that it took them 30 years to get here, longer actually, but the train sped up over the last 30 and now here is where we find ourselves, ridiculed as teabaggers, veterans in danger of blowing a gasket when they get home, rightwing extremists in danger of who knows what because we use the word "Constitution, God, ProLife", or any number of other conservative terms. They believe we have unhealthy disaffection because we are not sitting down anymore in silent discouragement for what we can't tolerate. Wow! We realize that we are enlisted to the duties of our citizenship for as long as we are American citizens.

We work to petition our respective States to reaffirm the 10th Amendment. We visit, talk to, call and fax our representatives in the State. We petition our counties, our towns and our States to return the stimulus money, to stop spending, to be careful with the money we entrust to them. We petition them to join with other States to force the government to stop the spending and to lower taxes. It takes 2/3rds of our States. If it means we grind this economy to a halt for a minute, with the exception of the small business, the local grocer, that is what it means.

We boycott the Main Stream Media and their advertisers. We do so in an organized way. We turn off our expansive channel choices and move back to basic cable, as much as possible, all at once, simply pick a day to bring down their phone lines with cancellations until all service but basic is cancelled.

We tell them it is because we cannot support Main Stream Media outlets that they suffer. We stop buying those things that are advertised on the stations whose commentators get tingly up their legs. We insist they represent us fairly, or plugs are pulled. We cancel papers and subscriptions that do not serve the truth, we write letters to every single advertiser who supports those that would unfairly report the news.

We save our money, we learn to garden, and we lead a simpler life of hearth and home. We fight the laws they are making at warp speed, we set up 20 blogs and 50 different websites, if we must, so they cannot take our communication down with a cybersecurity czar. We refuse to allow our children to be enlisted into the Civilian Military as designed by the Give Act, even if it means we homeschool or send to them to a private school. Grandparents, help your grandchildren. We go to church. We reach out and help our neighbors.

We write letters to the leaders of other governments and we tell them we ARE a Christian Nation, that we love our country and we will not go quietly into the night of one world government. We systematically undo or disable every step the current and last Administration has done, as much as is possible.

We refuse to buy vehicles from a government owned auto company, we buy used. We refuse to bank at a bank that accepted TARP wherever possible.

Moreover, we stop arguing with the left and we start doing positive things for this country and for each other. This country is not owned by the government, the government is owned by us. We need to act like it. Are we heir’s of this nation or aren’t we?

We have no need to be worried about what they have done. We have no need to apologize or whimper or to even be overwhelmed. WE are the heirs of this nation and we have a right to ensure we stand up for her and we understand that WE SURROUND THEM.

They do have need to be worried about what we are doing. Our pens are mightier than any sword. We must remember this one thing - That which we tolerate, IS what we stand for!

This administration does not own hope, they do not own change, and they certainly do not own "Yes we can". We simply need to reclaim those words, reclaim our hope and, hold our values dear to live them out as our own. For we do own them, each of us own them, individually. No government machine can corporately own words, for then they are only slogans.

Liberty is not something that can be taken, it can only be given up by our inaction.

You are not alone.

1 comment:

  1. Some reading this may not understand the significance of the 10th amendment as relates to what is currently happening to our country. I don’t pretend to be an expert either, but here are my thoughts on the subject.

    For many good reasons not all powers of government are delegated to the United States government through the US Constitution. Unless these powers are prohibited within the individual State Constitution or its laws, by default these powers are granted to the states. I believe that the reason the US Constitution is written this way is to give power to The People, thru their respective state.

    So, the 10th amendment of the Bill of Rights ensures that We the People have a means of Taking Back Hope in times such as these.

    In Florida for instance, our State Governor is not representing his state constituents. He has effectively signed up to be part of the problem by aligning with the powers in Washington. We all need to send Mr Crist a message that this will not be tolerated.
