Monday, September 7, 2009

Dear Mr. Olbermann

Dear Mr. Olbermann:

You are so right about Glenn Beck. What a freak! How could he actually expose Van Jones as nothing more than Obama’s brilliant pick for Green Jobs leader? I mean even though the guy may have said and obviously believes some very strong ideas and ways that might seem a little out there, like that America flew planes into her own building and white people purposefully poison young black children, but why would crazy ideas affect his job performance or make him lean a little bit prejudiced against all those asshole republicans, anyway?

Beck on the other hand – he just pretends – it’s all show, you are so right to go after him in such an obvious smear campaign! He couldn’t actually believe in strong ways himself about this country and its leaders and he must be silenced at all costs! He’s just a showman, a comedian – who could ever believe him about anything? You know, I heard that he is a recovering alcoholic and that he bashed Bush just as bad as he bashed Obama, but he isn’t our friend against any corrupt government because we like the leaders we elect and we have to just refuse to see the writing on the wall.

After all, there is You. You are a serious newsman and you are taking your training as a sportscaster to prove how right Obama is, ignoring the facts that just don’t fit or what you didn’t see with your own eyes, just like the referee’s you used to cover. You paid your dues, right? So what’s wrong with that? Sportcaster is so obviously way above comedian and hey, we all gotta get our start somewhere and work our way up so we can pad the welfare rolls for all our hard work, right? We don’t want the TRUTH about someone in such a high level position who is not accountable to anyone but our beloved leader, we just want to live in Candyland and have the Candyman give us everything he can, right? Even if it means stealing your earnings so I can send my kids to college for free. That’s okay with you, right? If that means we turn our heads away from dissenting ex-wino’s and start an all out smear campaign, calling on all dirt on the dailykos like you did. Hell, we can differentiate between a one-sided sportcaster and equal play comedian. We can all go on a witch hunt and smear campaign to punish someone who dares reveal negative information about another of our dear leaders nefarious picks, for that is what we do, separate, belittle, ridicule and destroy, right?! You are darn straight! We can’t let the truth really get out about all the president’s men because we have "an agenda" and only so many crisis' to fuel them! Gee, who else said that. Wasn’t that Nixon?

So you go, sportsman turned serious newscaster! We’ll help you slay the big bad comedian who is kicking the pants off your ratings. Yes we can!

Oh, and sportcaster? It's oligarchy, not oligarhy! And that would be what YOU advocate! Idiot!!

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