Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Rebuttal to Liberal Lunacy In The Form of NYTimes Frank Rich

Since The Times refused to post my rebuttal to Frank Rich in his piece "The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged Violent invective, once largely confined to blogs and talk radio, is now spreading among Republicans in public office or aspiring to it.", I decided to post it here.

Frank, you’ve really no idea from where you speak, do you? That you would even place Stack in with Tea Partiers shows you are being a hack in order to ruffle feathers, rather than a serious reporter or opinion maker.

The majority of Tea Party activists are regular moms and dads who learned about the constitution and the true history of this country in school. I might add, we were the last generation to do so, from the last baby boomer through the oldest remaining.
We are teaching our kids. We are uniting in freedom. We don’t need a “leader”, we were born in freedom and we understand it innately. We don't like BIG government, as opposed to your accusation of any government at all.

We are staid, work a day, average Americans who are looking on with alarm at our:

  • Shrinking (or non-existent) paychecks
  • At the loss of our freedoms
  • At the mass creation of fiat dollars
  • At “jobless recoveries” (whatever the heck that means)
  • At government owned everything
  • At bank and company bailouts and
  • At an uncontrolled, uncontrollable government and business symbiosis that will, if given the chance, catapult us into a 1930's style Germany where the likes of IG Farben and the government gained the position of ruling everything.

We fully understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely. We know and understand the sayings of our forefathers "A government big enough...", "When the people fear their government..." Look them up, they aren’t hard to find. They were warnings to the people of America that were and remain prophetic.

We don't want a nation where government workers outnumber private sector workers who make more money (off our backs) than the private sector employees (through free enterprise). We don't want a world where fake overprinted fiat dollars draws down the value of everything, where we are working three quarters of the year just to meet the hunger of BIG government while leaving our families wanting because of the pittance we are allowed to keep. We don't want, as Evan Thomas so proudly proclaimed, to all be socialists now, led by a sort of a god!

We are reasoned and reasonable middle class people who see our class, through the likes of Goldman Sachs (because of naked short selling, M2M, CDO’s, CDS’s and the removal of the uptick rule) who will literally steal $18 Trillion dollars worth of this nation’s personal wealth - the people’s wealth. Wealth we worked very hard to gain. We want to be responsible for our own families first, then reach out to others second, as it should be.

Our goal is not to feed the ever-hungry government who now has its eye on our personal healthcare and our retirement funds.

We will stand against a government who will take everything for the elite on Wall Street and the Soros’ of the world, who will allow "too big to fail" companies to make use of our future dollars to turn the biggest profit ever in a single quarter (immediately following the bailouts) and who now turn their greed on the likes of Greece as they short everything to steal what is left there. We didn’t create this mess. They did. Let them dig us out.

We aren't sheep. We aren't stupid. We aren't crazy. We simply see too many similarities to other points in history and we simply refuse to go there. We are making our voices heard. We are successful through peaceful means, as exampled in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts elections. There are more of those to come, Mr. Rich. Mark my words.

I was one of the tea party people to meet with Michael Steele. I will gladly meet with Tim Kaine. We don't believe in “no government” as you accuse, we understand the need for politics. We simply believe in balance, the rule of law, our constitution and personal responsibility.

In this country the elected are servants of the people. We are a REPUBLIC. We have successfully held off the healthcare disaster to date, Cap and Trade and many more. We will continue to do so because between those two bills and the bailouts, we are looking at nearly 30% of the GDP. A country like ours cannot sustain itself on that level of the GDP being government owned. We know that. The question remains,” Why don't you?”

We aren't the Stack’s of the world, but we are a force to be reckoned with. You can’t control us, no one does. We are independent minded successful people who have made it this far without government involvement and we plan to keep it that way. We are moms, dads, company owners, kids and grandparents who believe vociferously in the American Dream. We will not allow any bully pulpit, any president or one party rule situation take that away from our kids. They deserve the very same opportunities we had. No less.

So please. Learn from where you speak. Look at your man’s polls. We are the great people of this nation and no single man, president or not will take us down.

We are the people.
We have our rights god-given, not man given, therefore they can not be taken away.
We won’t allow that to happen.
Just watch us November 2, 2010 and again in 2012.
We, the giant are now awake and we are watching every single move this government is making. We do surround you, in size, in votes, in numbers.
We don’t need violence or crazy misled acts. We can do this all on our own, one vote at a time.

Fear THAT!

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