Thursday, December 3, 2009

Excuse Me While I Rant On Bernanke

Fed Debates New Role: Bubble Fighter (WSJ) “Not so long ago, Federal Reserve officials were confident they knew what to do when they saw bubbles building in prices of stocks, houses or other assets: Nothing. Now, as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke faces a confirmation hearing Thursday on a second four-year term, he and others at the central bank are rethinking the hands-off approach they've followed over the past decade. On the heels of a burst housing-and-credit bubble, Mr. Bernanke now calls financial booms "perhaps the most difficult problem for monetary policy this decade."

Excuse me while I rant….

Um, dear, dear, dear Mr. Bernanke. Could it be that the deregulation of tried and true market methods like:

  • Removing naked short selling rules, to remove the necessity of covering your shorts - along with other important market regulations which YOU removed in 2004 and 2007, and which allowed bear raiding of perfectly good companies, as well as a risky derivatives markets
  • the Mark 2 Market accounting schemes,
  • the government and banking industry sanction for the creation of new and risky loans for homes, and the creation of “no matter your credit!” as well as “just state your income – no proof required!” rules
  • that were further complicated by new and risky derivatives that go BUST the minute something happens to even ONE of the units within the derivative (in this case ONE single mortgage housed inside a derivative comprised of 100 mortgages, goes belly up) which in turn causes said derivative to instantly become a junk bond due to those very same M2M accounting schemes,
  • along with the creation of insurance products (CDS's) that aren’t called insurance products for the express purpose of avoiding insurance regulation rules of those VERY SAME INSURANCE PRODUCTS (that aren’t really insurance) that could maybe….. possibly….. perchance… be the problem?

While we are at it, MR. Bernanke, why not mention the facts that soon after you accepted the position of Fed Chairman:

  • YOU stopped the rate increases that were designed to slow an expanding bubble.
  • You also well understand that the repeal of Glass-Steagall opened the door to the financial bubble. (After all, you are a “Depression expert”, are you not?)
  • That YOU know that the Commodity and Futures Modernization Act opened the door for commodity bubbles. AND THAT YOU DID NOTHING TO FIX ANY OF THOSE ISSUES, KNOWINGLY and COMPLICITLY?
  • And at the risk of being repetitive you certainly ought to know that forcing banks to make sub-prime loans is not healthy, for the bank or for the home-buyer.
  • If YOU are such an expert on the Depression, the mark-to-market rules have got to be ringing in your ears….as well as the dismantling of uptick rules, unless of course you are as adept at lying to yourself as you are to the American people, the president’s, the world and the Hill.
  • YOU knew banks were selling CDS derivatives with a vengeance. YOU are well aware of the whole mess and YOU did nothing…except of course help your buddies at Goldman get their money out of AIG.

In other words dear Mr. Banker Bernanke sir, couldn’t it be YOU, along with all your redistributive (from our pocket to their own), tax stealing, loss publicizing, gain privatizing buddies at all the chop shops on Wall Street (all of whom are right there alongside you) that are the major problem? YOU who STOLE so very many trillions out of the pockets of unsuspecting citizens in the largest “transfer of wealth” event in the history of transfers of wealth? Yep. You betcha!

Honestly Mr. Bernanke - Do you truly believe that we the people are so stupid that we don’t understand what is going on? That we aren’t already about 99.9% certain that it is YOU and YOUR BUDDIES Geithner and your best bud Larry Summers (whom you so adeptly quote today and who is so wrapped up in Citibank it isn’t even funny, as well as the mess at Harvard, the muni bonds and so much else) who orchestrated this whole mess to begin with?

As you blithely sit before the Senate Committee, while all of you in this administration hold our feet to the fire, may God judge you severely for your complicit greed and avarice.

While you are leaving WE THE PEOPLE afraid to make a move in our companies and in our personal lives for what is sure to be coming down the pike tomorrow, in the forms of new banking regulations that are so far reaching as to be nothing but money guzzling big government; not to mention all the other ways we face uncertainty in our businesses and our lives, i.e. new taxes, fees, healthcare insurance, cap and trade or the signing of the Copenhagen treaty (whichever comes first) that we are facing because of your collective efforts to steal our wealth, I simply cannot understand how you live with yourself. Do you honestly believe that we can just freely go ahead and participate in the free market at this time? While you boss is out there doing a “JOBS Summit” with EXACTLY TWO CEO’s in attendance? Really? Do you think we can recover this economy and recapture our wealth in an environment as obviously greedy as this one?

NO! We can’t Because YOU WON’T LET US!

Stop messing with the system so that your buddies at Goldman Sachs can manipulate the markets and all will soon return to normal! LEAVE US ALONE TO FIX IT! The people can fix themselves if you and all your cronies will get the heck out of the way!

You sir, need to go. Not only do you need to go out of office, you need to go to STRAIGHT TO JAIL! Shame on YOU!

Bunning agrees with me….Bunning Statement on Bernanke: ‘You Are the Definition of a Moral Hazard’ A MUST Read/MUST Disseminate Article “It’s highly unusual for us to find a lawmaker’s statement at a hearing to be particularly informative, even rarer for it to be entertaining. At Senate Banking Committee hearings, Sen. Jim Bunning has at times proved the exception on the latter. The Kentucky Republican has firmly staked out his spot on the field as the primary attack dog against the Federal Reserve, its leadership and much of how it operates.
We’ll leave you to grade his statement for content at today’s confirmation hearing for Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. But we’ll gladly give him an A for effort. He’s got zinger after zinger, a citation from prior hearings and even a reference to his baseball career (before he became a Hall of Famer). Some members of his party have tried to quietly nudge Sen. Bunning out of office — he won’t run for reelection next year — so this was his last opportunity to oppose a Fed chairman’s nomination. As a sort of parting gift to him, and to you, we offer his full statement from today’s hearing, as prepared for delivery. (Just remember that one of the leading candidates to replace him is Rand Paul, the son of Texas Republican Ron Paul, the House’s leading Fed hater.)”….

Text of the statements are included in this article.
Here is the opening salvo: “Four years ago when you came before the Senate for confirmation to be Chairman of the Federal Reserve, I was the only Senator to vote against you. In fact, I was the only Senator to even raise serious concerns about you. I opposed you because I knew you would continue the legacy of Alan Greenspan, and I was right. But I did not know how right I would be and could not begin to imagine how wrong you would be in the following four years.” It gets better from there! Read it, you will enjoy it!

SONG THAT SAYS EXACTLY THIS. Hat Tip Cheryl. It is perfect!

Everyone – CALL TODAY and SAY NO TO BERNANKE! 4 more years of him and we may as well throw in the towel.

Related - Exclusive: Republican To Place Additional Hold On Bernanke In Senate Banking Committee “As Ben Bernanke’s confirmation hearing begins in the Senate Banking Committee, a source tells FDL News that one Senate staffer and an outside source confirmed to him that at least one Republican on the committee will also place a hold on the Federal Reserve chairman, throwing the process into potential turmoil and giving Chris Dodd a difficult series of choices to make. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity because of his work behind the scenes on the Bernanke confirmation, told me that two separate sources assured him that the Republican hold would be made public after today’s hearing. One staffer said that two Republicans would place the hold, while the other said it would just be one. The source said that the trans-partisan nature of opposition to Bernanke, with a conservative Republican and a socialist independent uniting to block the appointment, shows the intensity of the feelings on the issue. “It’s great to see everyone come together – Democrats, Republicans, progressives and libertarians, against this Federal Reserve, which is not federal, and not a reserve, just a group printing money and giving it to their buddies,” the source said” Woo HOO!
Bernanke defends his Federal Reserve record Oh just gag me!

GRRRRR - Goldman Takes Offensive on Pay “Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc.—known for its outsize profits and unapologetically handsome pay packages to go with them—has begun meeting with major investors in an effort to ward off an investor backlash over its record compensation pool. The private discussions are a first for Goldman, several shareholders said, as the Wall Street firm finds its self on the defensive over its pay, where employees are on track to earn an average of more than $700,000 apiece this year. The meetings are expected to last several more weeks and come as shareholders are filing proposals aimed at restricting pay ..."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

To Hoffman or Not To Hoffman?

NY’s 23rd District Candidate Doug Hoffman Gave an Excellent Interview Under a Very Tough Opening Question while the Tea Party Express Endorsed Hoffman Yesterday in spite of Gingrich’s Tough Talk.

Mr. Gingrich simply isn’t getting the message the Tea Partiers are trying so hard to send.

Conservatives don’t want “moderate Republicans”, we want conservative candidates. Whether that means we have to risk losing a few races now, or we actually succeed and win it, the effort will mean a win for conservatives, because before the GOP gets it, they must understand we mean business. We must get the message across that we will not be controlled by fear-mongering any longer.

In trying to insure we listen to him by calling it “a win for Pelosi” if we back Doug Hoffman for NY23, Gingrich is doing that very thing. He is creating fear to control the segment of the population he needs to control. It is wrong and it has to stop.

I’m sorry Mr. Gingrich, but you kicked that dog the moment you walked away from your Contract With America. We don’t believe you are THE conservative voice anymore. Once burnt, twice shy…all that.

You certainly are not the conservative voice at this moment Mr. Gingrich, right now you are simply toeing the party line and we all know it. You, Mr. Steele and the GOP really need to understand the party line no longer cuts it with us. The Sleeping Giant is AWAKE!

Right now Mr. Gingrich, Mr. Hoffman is the conservative voice and all of conservative America is climbing behind him because his is the first meaningful election since we gave our country away last year. You then essentially say that we have no business being involved in this race, and by saying that local elections shouldn’t be attended to by the general population, well, might I remind you that you are not a New Yorker living in Albany and yet you are supporting the liberal moderate RINO Scozzafava, as is the RNC who so relentlessly pursues our dollars….

When exactly are we supposed to be concerned with the Congresspersons being elected? Only when you or the GOP tells us to? Perhaps when the RNC takes our donations and floods the playing field for the moderate/liberal ‘conservative’ with our dollars? Or should it wait until perhaps when they are actually in office signing on to TARP or cozying up to the Spendocrats to spend our money collectively?

No. Politics are changing in America Mr. Gingrich, the people are taking it back. We are awake, we are watching and we are silent no more.Stop fighting us and join us, or we stop buying your books, donating to your causes and listening to you.

It’s that simple.

It’s that real.

You don’t seem to understand that we aren’t Republicans, Democrats or Independents, we are THE people. We are the ones written about in the Constitution. We are U.S. Constitution believing citizens who believe that the founders had it right and we have NO REASON to back away from that.

We know we can’t spend ourselves into “prosperity”, we bought that lie once, and it blew up in our faces. We get that it is just a shiny new phrase that simply means politicians want to redistribute our wealth, obviously to themselves with pay raises, repatriating terrorists, buying up companies, and giving to banks filled with toxic debt! We understand that the government is now in the business of privatizing the gains of the usurped companies at the same time they publicize the losses.

We finally realize that the only difference between the accepted parties at this time is how quickly and to what degree they believe they can achieve the goal of centralized government while ensuring themselves power in perpetuity.

Politicians don’t yet understand that we get it now. That it is simply a question of what level of socialism they are trying to bring to bear upon us, not whether or not it will be crammed down our throats.

We believe we CAN fix these problems as capitalists, we can still work with other countries (been doing so for centuries) without the UN's involvement. We CAN still have tolerance (as long as you will afford us the same luxury) but we cannot support huge centralized government or lose our sovereignty over who is the turtle and who is the rabbit as far as bankrupting us and our country goes.

Take a minute Mr. Gingrich to listen to the shocking Dobbs video from October 26th, 2009 and the 45th anniversary week of this Reagan speech from Tuesday to get the message. The difference now is that the threat they both speak of is not external anymore, it is strictly internal within our own government. This is our last best shot to begin to fix the destruction and waste that government, labor and special interest has thrust upon us, and we are going to take that shot.

We simply aren’t doormats anymore. We are awake and we are big.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WST Digest 9/29/09

This is a copy of the WST Digest (We Surround Them) that I send out to about 25,000 people a day. It is a listing of various news stories in categories. We will have a webpage up soon. If you like it, please stay tuned for further updates on the webpage. Generally, the top section is reserved for various items of interest such as videos of the day, deep thoughts, or high interest items. Hope you enjoy!

Deep Thoughts:

God’s Note To Those Who Will Abandon Israel In Her Time of Need "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14

We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our won Country's Honor, all call upon us for vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions." --George Washington, General Orders, 1776 Hat Tip Mary

Joke of the Day - Don't let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.


Call and Thank Nelson For His NO Vote on Public Option for Healthcare Reform! send e-mail or see bio Hat Tip Stan!

Lodge Your Concern Over Cap and Trade at
Our Energy Voice

USA Today
2nd Amendment Vote

Eagle Forum
Action Items for the day

Historic! 1,000,000 'pink slips' to Congress – in less than 4 days! We’ve posted about this grassroots initiative the past couple days. We think it’s a great way to get the message out there. My entire family has signed up to do this. That means over 3,000 pink slips are on their way from South Florida! Of course, you will still need to make calls and send emails and faxes. But what is at stake is well worth $29.95. You also need to immediately contact Sen. Olympia Snowe R-ME. She is the most powerful Senator in Congress right now. Here’s a link. I think a more appropriate animal on her banner would be a RINO. Hat Tip Kathy
LOCAL COVERAGE We want you! We are in need of members who can keep us up-to-date on local political issues and other issues which might be of interest to our readers. Please email such information to Hat Tip Kathy

Please Help Now!
Call Sen. Cornyn's office and tell him NO on Public Option! has an all out push to make calls today to Sen. Cornyn's office to ask that he support a Public Option to the Healthcare bill being debated in the Senate Finance Committee. I called his office and the staff said they are getting far more calls for Public Option than against it. That's the effect of the making their calls.John Cornyn's Washington DC office:Phone 202 224 2934Fax: 202-228-2856
Email: Please pass this info. to all of your contacts--whether they are Cornyn's constituents or not. Hat Tip Mary


Glenn Beck on Pledging Allegiance to Obama click the second video down.

Stealing of Bob Taylor Jeep/Chrysler Dealership

Terre Haute –
Woman Arrested for Buying Too Much Cold Prep (2 purchases of one box in a week) Wow. Had a hard time with this one’s placement, Audacity or Socialism in America for categorizing, but audacious won out. Um…Earth to Terre Haute? hello? It’s flu season! This poor elderly woman. Guess now we know what government being “too up in our business” really means.

Crap and TAX

Kerry and Boxer
Set To Introduce Climate Bill Hang on to your hat!

A Pile of Crap By Any Other Name… John Kerry was FOR Cap and Trade before he was against it. There’s nothing different here. Democrats are just calling it something different. Hat Tip Kathy

Economy and Finance

Here It Comes – The Dollar’s Death The president of the World Bank said on Monday that America’s days as an unchallenged economic superpower might be numbered and that the dollar was likely to lose its favored position as the euro and the Chinese renminbi assume bigger roles.

Loss of Three Great Economic and Policy Thinkers of Our Time Sadly we bid them farewell and we wonder who will fill the void that they made, especially Milton Freidman, especially him.

Hitting the Ceiling.
The Limits of Taxing the Top 3% Rush had a good segment on yesterday’s show about the stupid Dem tax logic on New York Taxation Policies such as these and more recently these rather than the common sense advice the NY Business Council recommended. He addressed how many large Corporations and individuals like Golisano who is Founder of Paychex or Nancy Bell of Science First are leaving New York (many to Florida I might add) as a consequence of their raising taxes. One of whom spent $13,000 in taxes EVERY DAY, another a corporation that had been a NY Corp for nearly 30 years and Rush, among many others. The State revenues are far down, their concern is high and as a result they have made the increase in taxes “temporary” in nature. Temporary won’t help though because of Three Pesky Facts: First, this is the second “temporary” increase since 2001 and the ability for them to get back to their former revenues are rapidly becoming impossible with the last 2 niggling little facts….CEO payroll caps and the PERMANENT layoff of so many in the banking and investment fields on Wall Street. Many States are eyeing NY nervously to see if they dare raise taxes on their constituents. As this scheme plays out, it will be soon enough that the government finds out you WILL run out of Other People’s Money (OTM). Looks to me like NY could benefit from a little of Reagan’s Common Sense, as could the rest of our Government but to see Krugman’s upside down rant on Bush back in 2001, our chances appear slim to none they will EVER get it. Again, the definition of insanity.

Recession Widens Gap Between Rich and Poor Even Further. So where’s the hope now? (Small businesses hope they’ll get some relief to produce new hiring.) Flashback Hat Tip Kathy


Is Obamacare Destined to Go Postal?

Again With the
Violent Warnings Rhetoric. I assure you Mr. Kennedy, you won’t see it coming from the Right – there is a reason we are called “conservatives”! If anything, you are preparing the press so that the Left can issue roundups and “overzealous” police actions such as what were seen at the G20 last week. Don’t think we don’t see right through your words. You’ve obviously taken lessons from Obama and Pelosi on this one and how unfortunate that is for all of America.

Townhall with Rand Paul A long video (75 mins) but a great one. Rand is Ron Paul’s son. He really does a great thing with Healthcare in America. You will enjoy!

Stop With the
Misleading Misleaders Already!

Obama Czar Sunstein: Government Must Subsidize Abortion Is there any limit to the nutballs in the Obama administration? We have many tax cheats. We have a Truther. We have race baiters and people who push euthenasia. Plain racists. Climahysterics. Militant envirowackos. And all sorts of other wackos. And we’ve got…Cass Sunstein, President Barack Obama's head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), who has advocated a policy under which the government would "presume" someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless, that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Under such a policy, hospitals would harvest organs from people who never gave permission for this to be done. Organ donation is great. I hope everyone becomes an organ donor. But pro-choice for abortion and not organ donation?! More like no choice from the womb to the grave. Hat Tip KathyThe Senate Shell Game: Taking Up the Blank Health Reform Bill on the Senate Floor This is OUTRAGEOUS! Every citizen should call their Senator now and tell them they want 72 hours to review the actual legislative language before the bill goes to the floor, and they want a CBO Score based on real legislative language. Hat Tip KathyThe Real Canadian Health Care Field Trip 2009 Canadian professionals are saying--"Don't do what we've done. We will lose our escape valve." Hat Tip Kathy


Has Immigration to the US Hit a Tipping Point? Good stuff if we can keep it up!


Iran: Tests Missiles on Eve of Talks with fighting words threatening any nation that they will be served a crushing blow should they intervene and frankly it is too late for that anyway as the Qom Installation is beside a Revolutionary Guard encampment. The multiple missile launches dubbed the “Great Prophet IV” were successful in spite of how clever our president thinks he is. Who knows, maybe Sarkozy can put him in his place.

Michelletti Bows To Pressure. I can’t say I blame him, but at the same time, he needs to keep doing what’s right in protecting the Constitution. Let’s hope he does.

Welfare and the Will To Win considering yesterday I told you that Obama has not spoken to his General in Afghanistan except once in over 70 days, it is not so surprising that our dear leader has a problem deciding what to do. In an interesting side note, some say the Taliban is using money American Taxpayers are giving them to defeat our own men. My question? When is enough, enough for this president? So we criticize Bush for not listening to his fighting General’s (of which he should have been criticized for doing), but those very same people applaud Obama who is creating the next Vietnam? An unwinnable war? Not for lack of strong, brave and brilliant men to fight it I might add, but perhaps because our president is too busy pandering to Islamists, too indecisive, too afraid of the political consequences, too pantywaist to not allow our men to do the jobs they have been trained to do, or to give them the support that the General said he needed! Unconscionable, Inexcusable and Unforgivable Mr. president.

The EU:
Socialism’s Slow Collapse Question. If it is failing here. If the people are moving right. If Socialism is no better….Why are we moving in that direction? And to see exactly how pervasive socialism can become, check this story out from the UK, government digging through their garbage! Maybe Tammany Hall Lives Again? And Kathy Says This…. Take heart! Some American conservatives demonize Obama’s fiscal stimulus and health care overhaul as a dangerous turn toward European-style Socialism — but it is Europe’s right, not left, that is setting its political agenda. Related - What the German elections teach us

China: Is Getting a Lot of Attention From America Lately…
Flags near the White House, in San Francisco, Now Lighting of the Empire State Building to Commemorate Red China’s 60th Anniversary
09/30 - 10/01 Red/Yellow/Red 60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
Guess that’s what we get for selling our country to them. And what a celebration it will be too, parades, parties, prettily decorated squares, cannons, choruses, gun confiscations, unveiling of new missiles!!! Such a nice day. Hat Tip Ann Marie

Obama Thinks So couldn’t have said it better.


Principled Conservative Rubio Will Likely Beat Wayward Crist You may have read this in The News Press yesterday. But I know a lot of you gave up on The News Press so thought it was worth including here. If you like Marco Rubio, make a donation! We need to round up that RINO Crist. Hat Tip Kathy

Candidate Tracking System for Florida Hat Tip Mary how cool is that?!

On Obama

Reality bites Obama's 'West Wing' You’re no Martin Sheen, Barry! Hat Tip Kathy!Obama's Olympic Bid Stagecraft Personally, I think he’s doing it for Michie. Cripes, all she’s had to do since inauguration day was plant a garden! This was her baby, in collusion with Valerie Jarrett, so Barry to the rescue! Course, just like Health Care, he doesn’t care what the Chicago residents – divided about equally for and against – think. And he’s got a lot of chits out there in Chicago! Hat Tip Kathy!

The Left Loonies Take On New Meaning

Check out the New EEOC Czar! Gotta love the site I found it on as well. No news dare carry it! FROM LIBERTY COUNCIL Not only is Feldblum a former legal counsel for the ACLU and the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign, she is a CO-AUTHOR of the ENDA bill (second from the last under On the Hill) that she could soon be enforcing! And what is Feldblum's agenda? Incredibly, Feldblum says that when there is a conflict between religious freedom and homosexual rights, "...society should come down on the side of protecting identity liberty of LGBT people" (LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered). Feldblum stated: "Thus, for all my sympathy for the evangelical Christian couple who wish to run a bed and breakfast from which they can exclude unmarried straight couples and all gay couples, this is a point where I believe an inevitable choice between liberties must come into play. In making that choice, I believe society should come down on the side of protecting identity liberty of LGBT people." The nomination of Chai Feldblum makes the ENDA battle in Congress even more critical. If she is confirmed and ENDA is passed, we should brace ourselves for the most radical, anti-faith interpretation of this bill that is even possible.

On The Hill

I encourage everyone to examine these bills and write your Senators and Congress

Senate DEFEATS Rockefeller’s Public Option Proposal!!!!!!!
One Down, one to go (so far) and that is Schumer’s Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the Music!!!!!
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 – Vote Passed (77-21, 1 Not Voting) The Senate approved this $32.1 billion bill funding the Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency and related programs for the next fiscal year. Sen. Bill Nelson voted YES......send e-mail or see bio Sen. George LeMieux voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2009 - Vote Passed (331-83, 18 Not Voting) The House passed this bill that would extend by 13 weeks unemployment benefits in states with a jobless rate over 8.5%. Rep. Connie Mack IV voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2010 - Vote Passed (217-190, 25 Not Voting) The House approved this $4.66 billion bill that funds the legislative branch for Fiscal Year 2010. The bill also includes a continuing resolution to fund government operations after the current fiscal year ends on September 30, as this is the only one of the 12 annual appropriations bills to have been completed. Rep. Connie Mack IV voted NO......send e-mail or see bio (I thought we just passed a 3.6 Trillion dollar bill in the spring for these dudes?)

Upcoming Votes
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010 - H.R.3326 The Senate is scheduled to work on this $636 billion bill funding the Department of Defense for the next fiscal year.

Upcoming Votes
Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 - H.R.3183 The House is expected to vote on the conference report of this $34 billion bill funding the Department of Energy, Army Corps of Engineers and related agencies and programs.

Sexual Orientation Bill on its Way Again HR Groups are not happy about it at all!

Baucus Bill:
What it Could Cost You


What's working for Mr. Obama and the Democrats? A political party with principles and ideas that resonate with voters doesn't need to ignore the people, nor does it need to resort to parliamentary chicanery to win a result. It speaks tellingly of the weakness, not the strength, of modern liberals that they're willing to end-run the popular will. But we’re here to stop them! Hat Tip Kathy!


Good Work Libs... 66% of Country Angry With Dem Policies-- 36% Very Angry Anger’s not a bad thing! As long as it is properly channeled. Hat Tip Kathy!

Students in America

Another School Indoctrination Video? 'Change Has Come ... Change Has Come' Hat Tip Kathy The video link doesn’t work in the blog, so here it is

More on the
Story of Sand HillAtlas gives a great idea. Opting out of the educational system and starting our own schools.

Swine Flu and Other Weird Stuff

Mandatory Swine Flu Shots Split Medical Community

Hardin Montana Gets
New Police Force?

US Northeast Expected to Have
Coldest Winter in a Decade Damn that Global Warming anyway! Just won’t cooperate for the Cap and Trade vote, will ya.

Veterans and Soldiers

DESPICABLE! Obama Orders WWII Vets CUT OFF From Pensions!

Vaccines Start Next Week


We’re sorry we did not find out about the Independence Caucus’s webinar, held today, in time to let you know about it. However, click here to watch a great video. Hat Tip Kathy

Your Say

What’s It All About, Barfy? By Kathy

Mr. President,

The day after your inauguration, you made it clear you had “won.” But somehow it hasn’t yet set in that you are The President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief. Or at least your performance thus far would indicate this to be the case. During the campaign, you dismissed Iran as a “tiny country that poses no threat.” “Iran, they spend 1/100th of what we spend on the military. If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn't stand a chance,” you said. Now you flitter off to Copenhagen with Michie and Valerie and Oprah. Guess you just have to take credit for everything, or maybe you know your trip is unprecedented, as no sitting U.S. president has ever made a personal pitch at the IOC vote, so you’ll go down in the history books. And clearly, your Chicago connections had a part in your decision.

Don’t you realize the United States of America is about to implode and the international scene explode? Iran could set off World War III!

For Heaven’s sake, you’ve talked to David Letterman more than you have your commander in Afghanistan! I’d ask you to think about this one inconvenient fact: Americans are even angrier now than they were when GW was president. But, that’s a good thing! As is the fact that your approval rating is tanking big time! Sooner or later you’ll have to learn to lead. But the damage being done in the meantime may be irreversible.

Mmm, mmm, mmm – Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm – Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm – you are a joke Obama.

Unfortunately, it’s no laughing matter.

Friday, September 18, 2009

IOU’s at the Center of Obama’s Capitulation to Russia?

In an afternoon report from Reuters on September 17, 2009, we see the headline Obama helps strengthen General Electric-Putin Ties. This article effectively suggests that our President sold America out for IOU’s to GE and Wall Street thugs for campaign promises. Might that also be for future election coffer fattening purposes as well? Purposes that serve only him and perhaps a select few governmentally symbiotic corporations and news outlets who want the deal of a lifetime. And I quote:

"Shortly after the pullback on the shield programme was announced, Russia's government said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would meet several U.S. executives on Friday from firms including General Electric, Morgan Stanley as well as TPG, one of the world's largest private equity firms."

I can’t believe what I am reading. I don’t want to believe what I am reading, but there it is. Right there in black and white on the front page of the Washington Examiner. I am sick. Not only are the American Taxpayers on the hook for IOU’s to the Unions, but apparently our liberty, freedom and safety are on the block too. This audacious man (The “Won” who poses to be the President of the United States with ACORN laden votes and deal sealing election returns) will actually risk our safety by scrapping our “peaceful” means of protection (that I might add I am loathe to figure out - if Russia is our “friend” as they claim to be - they would be upset about in the first place) for freaking IOU's!

Before I continue any further on the theme though, let’s digest that last parenthesized thought for just a second. If I understand Russia's "concern" here, had we continued with the Missile Shield Program, Russia would continue to be upset… Why is that? It’s not like we are aiming missiles at them, we are simply shielding those that might come our way from Iran or N. Korea. Right? Doesn't it make you wonder why that would "concern" a country… unless of course they thought perhaps there may come a day where they, too, would feel the need to threaten to pop a few over the border themselves….

But nooooo. It’s about giving his buddies at GE, at TPG and at Morgan Stanley a leg up in the region. More union IOU’s, a posh seat for MSNBC at the table (by association to GE), as well as a few more investment banker favors - as if he isn’t holding the American Taxpayer hostage to the likes of union and Wall Street thugs enough already?

So now we find out that it’s all about the money…. Really? Our safety and our Sovereignty are sold to the highest bidder? Are "We the People" a tradable commodity for the padding of special interest and election coffers? Our country is no longer concerned about its own, let alone the people Russia could care less about while they turn off their heating fuel, causing them freeze to death in the worst winter on record.

This, my friends, is what we get with “Change” and “Hope”. Did we really just exchange 222 years (on Constitution Day no less) of our freedom and sovereignty for IOU's? Did we just waste 30 years of hard work by this and other nations, who collectively worked and bled hard to specifically end the horrors of the Cold War? Did we really just sell out the struggle that these ex-satellite countries have undergone to gain a little of their own rightful sovereignty from the great beast Russia, just as they were beginning to work? We, the great defender of democracy that we are? All for money? All for more profits and a fatter reelection account?

Can this be treason for no other reason than the man makes a deal with the wolf in sheep's clothing without concession one from said wolf? I don’t see how it couldn’t! People! WE NEED TO WAKE TF UP! We have to put an end to this madness!

I am telling you now…this is not an accident that ‘The Won’ did this on Constitution day and on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion into Poland!! This was not an accident at all. This act on this day was not any more an accident than bobbing for quarters before the King of Saudi Arabia was an accident.

No friends, this was a message. Loud and Clear. This is significant in and of its own right, and I firmly believe history will prove that statement true. Nothing this man does is without symbolism and this is the biggest symbolic move he could provide the world. That is exactly what he did. He delivered the message while putting the final big screws to the coffin of our Constitution - on Constitution Day - in front of the whole freaking world.

Well, I just guess that makes Sept 17, 2009 another day that will go down in infamy, doesn’t it?

Putin tipped the celebratory glass of frozen Vodka this morning as he got exactly what he wanted and he had to make no concessions to get exactly what he wanted (still wondering why he wanted it) while Obama sold out democracy in one fell swoop - all for a past and a future election and mo’ power with the devils that be.

Oh how Winston Churchill is rolling over in his grave right now! The poor heroic corpse must feel like a top! The entirety of Churchill’s last years were trying (unsuccessfully) to convince Eisenhower and others of the grave danger of this behemoth we once (and soon will again) called the Soviet Bloc.

Now here we are 30 years after the biggest victory in recent history, just handing it right back to them. We are dumping on the freedom-seeking Slav nations in such a devastating way - and we do so without passing go. We are headed straight back to the cold war as soon as Russia can threaten and undermine the fledging sovereign countries of Ukraine, Georgia and a few other key States. Do not doubt that this is where we are headed or - God Almighty forbid - worse.

It is a documented fact that Russia is in bed with Iran. They are making a lot of squeaky noises, overtures and sometimes outright war gestures to their former States. Germany, Israel and other key allies completely believe that Iran is in fact building nuclear weapons, but our White House is so loaded down with Bo's ho’s who wouldn’t disagree with “the Won” even if they were threatened within an inch of their lives, that even if they did disagree, they wouldn't admit the disagreement. Bought, sold and guaranteed a select spot in the Post-American world, they will do whatever he or his minions request.

No one questioned why The Won was able to raise all that money, which devil he had sold his soul to then…but gosh, I guess we know now don’t we? That would be Brezhnev, Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger, the UN chief Ban Ki-moon, the Union Lords, Wall Street, and who else can we list here….God knows we can’t list them all – there simply isn’t enough room!

Say farewell to your Sovereignty, America. Your final bill just came due and payable. You are now officially a banana republic replete with bought elections and the selling of the people’s wages for whatever deal guarantees that "The Won" who is in power, stays in power. Watch your bank account for that is the only thing between you and complete serfdom.

If Pelosi wants to cry about violence…why in the hell doesn’t she cry about this?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Is The Cold War Heating Up?

By Jamie Cain

Today President Obama announced that the planned Missile Shield Program in Czech Republic and Poland Have Been Scrapped. I am going to try to explain why it is so very important that we have these missile shields in place as quickly as possible and show how very dangerous shutting down the Missile Shield Program is to America and the EU. With this move on President Obama’s part, it is a given that the efforts of President Reagan, culminating to the end of the Cold War are about to be undone and we must be aware of that fact.

Let’s start with an article from January of this year, over a Natural Gas crisis between Russia and the Ukraine.

As the story goes, Russia supplies 20% of Europe’s heating fuel through a series of pipes that run through the Ukraine, which (as of 2004) is now an independent State. Qualify this story with the larger fact that Russia wants Ukraine back, along with Georgia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and numerous other States that used to belong to the USSR (most of whom now control certain key natural resources or infrastructure that used to belong to the Kremlin) and the little fact that the Kremlin never was truly happy sharing the power with anyone, let alone those who were once subservient to them. That is one big huge ego slap to the Kremlin and they do not like it, not one little bit.

In the midst of a freezing winter, Russia stopped supplying Ukraine with gas that Ukraine was beholden to send through its pipelines to supply 15 EU countries with a fifth of its required gas for heating. It appeared on the surface that Russia said, “Um no. I’m not selling you the gas anymore, Ukraine, to deliver to all these fine people. In fact, I am going to hold it hostage while people freeze until you agree to my deal. My deal (step one of the taking of the Ukraine) is that I want you to pay FULL market price while I pay discount prices to deliver it through you”.

Well heck, delivery is simply the turning of a valve, albeit the right valve, which Ukraine contends Russia didn’t do as witnessed here. It’s a complex pipeline dedicated to delivering Natural Gas, one that requires regular maintenance which costs money and the proper flow lines that require monitoring, which also costs a lot of money.

The issue to this “reduced delivery price” that Russia forced down Ukraine’s throat, is that Ukraine IS the delivery system, they have pipes to upkeep and Russia doesn’t want to pay those prices while belligerently demanding that Ukraine pay full price for the gas Russia sells them. It’s enough to break the bank for Ukraine, even if the agreement is just for this year until Russia will pay market prices. Any businessperson can do the math on this one. Ukraine could be forced to let those pipes go without maintenance or efficient monitoring to be able to afford the costs of the gas, which could create a multitude of future delivery problems. But no one seems to notice that little problem, let alone intervene in them on behalf of the Ukraine.

None-the-less during the coldest winter in a long time, Ukraine was forced to agree to buy Russia’s gas at $450 per 1000 cubic meters through the entire winter. This is a deal that only offered some relief in price after winter was over, when most countries utilizing the gas would have no more need of the gas.

How untypical is it that a middleman would pay full price for anything that it is responsible for delivering? In the home heating business, one only has a certain amount of months to recoup the cost of doing business, let alone make a profit, and Russia has effectively cut any ability to turn a profit off at the knees even supposing that Ukraine can manage to maintain a breakeven to their customers. There is simply nowhere to go in price once the middleman pays the vendor full price for their product. Not to mention that 2010 will be a whole new deal - once again - that Ukraine will have to get through without freezing out a large part of several ex-Soviet and other EU nations as well.

As it stands now, fifteen countries in the EU were sent scrambling for alternative fuel, while Ukraine had no choice but to sign the hostage agreement (as I am sure they had agreements they were bound to with their customers, in addition to facing the human suffering element and the anger pouring in from their customers).

Meanwhile Russia sat back willing to freeze millions of people in order to further weaken the geopolitical landscape just so they could further their purposes.

Might I remind you this all happened on the heels of the little to do over Georgia’s Oil Reserves where Russia sent several thousand troops into Georgia to prove their point there. Same point, same reason, these were once their resources and they are no longer, a point which Russia seems all too happy to make again and again. The war over Oil with Georgia was a very dangerous game indeed, that so easily could have disintegrated into WWIII given just the right set of circumstances and to which we came closer to seeing happen, than most of us can even fathom.

Ah, but wait! Maybe that wasn’t what Russia said to the Ukraine…according to Moscow, the Ukraine was stealing natural gas, withholding it and not sending it out to get a better deal from their last accord as of Jan 10, 2006 (which was to last 5 years to 2011 as witnessed here). According to Russia, they were just collecting debt. So why, in 2009 was this deal no longer valid? Why, when Ukraine could buy gas at $95 per 1000 cubic meter would they want a new deal now with 2 years to go on such a sweet deal? Good question. The Ukraine didn’t. Russia breached and Russia lied about the reason why. Russia says it was two-fold; Ukraine wasn’t paying their bill (at $95 when they could turn around and sell it for $450? I seriously doubt they weren’t paying their bills) and Russia wanted higher prices. Somehow, that story just doesn’t hold water for a new country wanting to succeed outside the grip of the Motherland. Sorry Russia, but most businesses can’t stay afloat without paying their bills and Ukraine knew it would be not only its business, but it would mean State suicide to breach a contract that sweet only 3 years in, while energy prices were going through the roof.

It had to be that Russia didn’t like the deal anymore simply because Ukraine was making better than 300% profit on their gas during the 2008/09 winter season. On the heels of the Georgia War, an accord that was to last 5 years didn’t because Russia breached the contract. Russia simply cut off the gas. They just turned that little valve and said, “Let’s talk”. Millions without gas to heat their homes? 20% of the buying countries, of the population of 15 countries now literally in danger of freezing to death and Russia says “Let’s talk”? That’s one heck of a bully pulpit, isn’t it.

Millions of people nearly froze to death. The EU had to scramble to get electric heaters rushed out, spend a fortune doing so. Ukraine was risking all sorts of lawsuits, not to mention trade and supplier agreement breeches all because Russia didn’t want to miss that huge energy spike, didn’t want Ukraine turning that kind of profit because it might have strengthened their position as an independent State.

No matter how you turn it, that is exactly what Medvedev and Putin decided to do, and it is why they decided to do it. Russia is the same as it always was and America should “reset” nothing because Russia still places power over people and their State welfare over the human element. That is the great thing about holding most of the cards, they can do whatever they want, make it look like the other guy’s fault (Georgia being another point in case, Iran a third) and they can get away with it because no one can audit the truth in Russia, there are simply way too many layers.

Yushchenko (Ukraine’s President) seems to think that it is all about Russia destabilizing Ukraine (and other regions dependent on them, most of which were formerly known as the Soviet Bloc). I tend to agree as I look at all the arguments, along with the fact that Russia was selling at a loss based on the former accord and the Ukraine was reselling at a significant profit, making their weak new little State just that much stronger. So they reach an unstable deal, whose time is nearly up, and which makes the EU quite nervous. Then suddenly we see this article stating that they are entering a new crisis. Russia is speaking those fighting words again…Russia’s pushing it again and a new crisis is about to begin…um…let’s see, just a few weeks before winter sets in? Gee Wilikers, isn’t that just grand timing?

Let’s understand this. Russia is flexing its big communist muscles and Russia wants to turn back to the good old days where they were a superpower and they owned all the land, infrastructure, and power. Simply put, they want to recreate the Soviet Union.

This means they will be quite happy about the reports of Obama stopping the shield system plans. The Ukraine government and the EU know this. That is why, whether the people of Ukraine understand the truth or not, Ukraine is standing strong (as strong as an independent country of only 5 years can stand, that is) against a giant machine.

Russia is taking a low key approach hoping the people who aren’t too keen on the recently separated State will revolt, and they are busy doing just what they do as communists, quietly feeding the opposition funds and encouragement to revolt to destabilize Ukraine further; kind of like an ACORN on steroids with ALL the money at its disposal.

The Ukraine State is in turn, understandably taking a more aggressive role towards Russia’s military encroachment and is actually stopping and searching weapons transfers and placing limits, as weak as they may be, on Russia’s coming and goings.

Russia is blustering that it is our fault they can’t join the WTO, meanwhile they are increasing their aggressions against Georgia again and they are damn close to finishing their own new air defense system.

Do we have any idea how far back this will set us? This will set us all the way back to the cold war or worse, especially in light of Russia’s friendship with Iran. In his inexperience, our President is squandering our sovereignty, seemingly by order of the UN, Soros, and the like. For what? Why are we cancelling that Shield System?

For us, however (you know, the ones who supposedly believe in democracy and the capitalist system), the removal of our shields and the carte blanche ticket to power we are handing Russia in our misguided effort to “reset” relations, Ukraine and Georgia might be the only hopes we have left to stop a new Cold War and/or energy war. They are our friends. Russia will only be as long as it suits her to regain her superpower status, and by then we will be too weakened from internal strife and debt to do a damn thing about it. They know it, we know it and the rest of the world knows it.

What I want to know is, “What are We the People going do about it”? Can we have a grown up in the White House? Please? The old Soviet Union wants their power back and it looks as though we are party to laying it all in their laps with this move. It will be a very interesting few years indeed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dear Mr. Olbermann

Dear Mr. Olbermann:

You are so right about Glenn Beck. What a freak! How could he actually expose Van Jones as nothing more than Obama’s brilliant pick for Green Jobs leader? I mean even though the guy may have said and obviously believes some very strong ideas and ways that might seem a little out there, like that America flew planes into her own building and white people purposefully poison young black children, but why would crazy ideas affect his job performance or make him lean a little bit prejudiced against all those asshole republicans, anyway?

Beck on the other hand – he just pretends – it’s all show, you are so right to go after him in such an obvious smear campaign! He couldn’t actually believe in strong ways himself about this country and its leaders and he must be silenced at all costs! He’s just a showman, a comedian – who could ever believe him about anything? You know, I heard that he is a recovering alcoholic and that he bashed Bush just as bad as he bashed Obama, but he isn’t our friend against any corrupt government because we like the leaders we elect and we have to just refuse to see the writing on the wall.

After all, there is You. You are a serious newsman and you are taking your training as a sportscaster to prove how right Obama is, ignoring the facts that just don’t fit or what you didn’t see with your own eyes, just like the referee’s you used to cover. You paid your dues, right? So what’s wrong with that? Sportcaster is so obviously way above comedian and hey, we all gotta get our start somewhere and work our way up so we can pad the welfare rolls for all our hard work, right? We don’t want the TRUTH about someone in such a high level position who is not accountable to anyone but our beloved leader, we just want to live in Candyland and have the Candyman give us everything he can, right? Even if it means stealing your earnings so I can send my kids to college for free. That’s okay with you, right? If that means we turn our heads away from dissenting ex-wino’s and start an all out smear campaign, calling on all dirt on the dailykos like you did. Hell, we can differentiate between a one-sided sportcaster and equal play comedian. We can all go on a witch hunt and smear campaign to punish someone who dares reveal negative information about another of our dear leaders nefarious picks, for that is what we do, separate, belittle, ridicule and destroy, right?! You are darn straight! We can’t let the truth really get out about all the president’s men because we have "an agenda" and only so many crisis' to fuel them! Gee, who else said that. Wasn’t that Nixon?

So you go, sportsman turned serious newscaster! We’ll help you slay the big bad comedian who is kicking the pants off your ratings. Yes we can!

Oh, and sportcaster? It's oligarchy, not oligarhy! And that would be what YOU advocate! Idiot!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Haters Anonymous

One law for one creature; it works in the wild, why can’t it work in human race? In examining the most current hate crime bill, the one they will or have already attached as an amendment to some completely unrelated law like, oh, the Defense Appropriations bill for instance; I witness a duality that does not, nor can it exist in nature. If it doesn’t exist in nature, then it must be unnatural; right?

So it is.

If I am a black woman and a white man rapes me, it is a hate crime. If I am an Asian woman and a white woman knocks me down to steal my purse, it must be a hate crime. If I am a white woman and an Asian, Black, Indian, a gay woman, a Jewish man or now even a pedophile rapes me (or my kid), it is not because of hate.

Why is that? Frankly, as the victim, I don’t care if you are black, red, white, yellow, brown or even if you took so much silver in your life, you are now permanently blue; I am feeling like that was a pretty hateful thing you just did to me. You took the most private and spiritual parts of my being as your own without invite, without warning and you purposefully hurt me for your own pleasure, gain, and sick sense of power.

But no, not in America. A person of color gets off easier simply because I am white and you are not. You get privileges, you get “counseling”, you get TV, radio, 3 squares, workout rooms and internet for free while I try to piece my life, or God forbid, the life of my child back together again. Yet if a white man does it to one of another color or race, he gets a Federal offense. He gets high security federal prison time, locked in his cage, only to be let out once a day like a dog. Frankly, all criminals should receive the same treatment for an equal crime, simply because they hurt someone else. The very fact of me being cream colored now says I am the only race capable of feeling prejudice and I am the only race who is recidivistic, there is no cure for me.

No matter it was a white man, and a Republican, President Grant who fought an uphill battle against all the democrats to gain blacks the right to vote. No notice that it was a white man, a Progressive Democrat, President Roosevelt, who added the Asian race category to the census so that he could easily round up the Asians and place them in internment camps here in the US. Or that Martin Luther King Jr himself was a Republican because they were the party to free the black man, the ones who thought it so wrong that blacks were segregated.

All whites are now considered inherently evil as the Democrats usurped the titled of the “freer” in the country. We are told now that whites think they are a master race bent on enslaving those who don’t look the same, therefore are singled out to be the only peoples capable to use another to gain pleasure, a sick sense of power or as a means to an end.

I have news for you. My ancestors were quite a mix, I am the great granddaughter of a mixed male, born on a plantation of a slave woman, my grandmother was first listed as a MF (mixed female). I am the great, 5 x’s over granddaughter of one who was the interim 2nd governor of Maryland, and cousin to another who was one of the first Senators of W VA. I am the great 2x granddaughter of an American Indian, and I am also English, German, Irish and who knows what else. I am the great granddaughter of a Medal of Honor winner who fought for the north in the Civil War, even though he was from the south, and I am a DAR. I guess that kind of makes me nearly all people, even though I appear cream colored.

I don’t notice color, creed, last names, handicap, or any other differences. I am just a human living in the human race. I am a Republican who is disappointed in her party, feeling quite let down by the Bush’s and the party and I am an American as red, white and blue as they come, with an education and a worldly outlook, interested in other lands and other people. I am a believer in creation, a believer in my 2nd Amendment rights, a believer in second chances and the frailty of the human condition. I don’t care if you are gay or straight and have friends of both persuasions and all races. But if you ever hurt me or mine, then I don’t like you. I see you are a hater. I don’t care your color, I don’t care your breeding, and I certainly don’t care your station in life.

I don’t owe blacks a thing, I don’t owe Germans a thing, I don’t owe anyone anything except maybe my creditors, people of many races bore me and those before me, that is all. Don’t talk to me about hate, because I wouldn’t hurt a fly. Don’t talk to me about reparations because I didn’t do anything to you. I am simply trying to live my life, do my best for my family, and make sense of an upside down world. A new world order where a man loses his job because he chased down an attempted bank robber and held him until the police came, or a white woman who is only trying to be a good Samaritan for a black man’s empty house who is now labeled a racist! A world where folks like that used to be lauded for their community service, are now belittled and ruined by mass hysteria you, Barrack Obama started.

Do not talk to me anymore, Barrack. Your fruits do plenty enough of that. Your ACORN Cloward-Priven Strategies and Alinsky Rules have taught me well that you will the use the poor and the downtrodden for your own gain. You will tell them enough times whatever you think they will buy, in order to get them to back you so you can steal from them and the rest of us. You are a thief of the worst sort; you steal the innocent minds of the country of truth and reasonableness.

You walk two paces ahead of your poor friend Mr. Gates as he tried to get down the stairs of the White house, in your "hard-working-dude" rolled up shirtsleeves, while the awful “recidivist white racist officer Crowley” was the one to take your friends arm and aid your handicapped friend down the steps.

The picture says it all. You are a narcissist liar of the worst sort who believes he is royalty, not a man who puts his pants on the exact same way we all do.

You want a nation to believe that whites are the destructors of all freedoms; whites are the haters, when in reality your very being oozes all the hatreds of hell in everything that you do.

You are the racist, you are not my President, and I don’t like you. You are the hater and I am sick of being pinned with your labels of racist and coward. You can have them back and I hope you wear them well for the hater racist coward that you are. You have failed a nation Mr. President for your own gain and assumed royalty.

How does it feel to be outed?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

When Enough is Never Enough For the Prognazi

A friend and fellow blogger Frank Hill from Telemachus Leaps sent me this link today for my daily email. (Yes, I eblog way more than I blog)

Thanks Frank, a great site!

I found it shocking, sick, greedy, and totally not cool.

Really folks, we haven't even seen the Bush Tax Cuts removed yet, or whatever damage we will see through the new policies, cap and tax and the dreaded Granny Kill Bill from Obamacare.

This regime is not progressive alone, they are Prognazi's all.

From the Tax Foundation

July 29, 2009

Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95%

by Scott A. Hodge

Newly released data from the IRS clearly debunks the conventional Beltway rhetoric that the "rich" are not paying their fair share of taxes.

Indeed, the IRS data shows that in 2007—the most recent data available—the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.4 percent of the total income taxes collected by the federal government. This is the highest percentage in modern history. By contrast, the top 1 percent paid 24.8 percent of the income tax burden in 1987, the year following the 1986 tax reform act.

Remarkably, the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent now exceeds the share paid by the bottom 95 percent of taxpayers combined. In 2007, the bottom 95 percent paid 39.4 percent of the income tax burden. This is down from the 58 percent of the total income tax burden they paid twenty years ago.

To put this in perspective, the top 1 percent is comprised of just 1.4 million taxpayers and they pay a larger share of the income tax burden now than the bottom 134 million taxpayers combined.

Some in Washington say the tax system is still not progressive enough. However, the recent IRS data bolsters the findings of an OECD study released last year showing that the U.S.—not France or Sweden—has the most progressive income tax system among OECD nations. We rely more heavily on the top 10 percent of taxpayers than does any nation and our poor people have the lowest tax burden of those in any nation.

We are definitely overdue for some honesty in the debate over the progressivity of the nation's tax burden before lawmakers enact any new taxes to pay for expanded health care.

For more on this topic, a new Tax Foundation Fiscal Fact includes eight charts of just-released IRS data, and an accompanying dataset breaks the numbers down even further. Read the new Tax Foundation Fiscal Fact or view the data (an Excel sheet is available for download at the bottom of the data page).

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Making Sense of Minimum Wage Increases

The purported greatest monetary mind of the century, Alan Greenspan (before his sellout to the Fed), has stated,"Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights." From

Now wait a minute. We have two very important statements from Greenspan before he was Chairman: the first is “there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation” and the second is “Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth.” We are going to look at both those statements, but Wow! The “HIDDEN CONFISCATION OF WEALTH”, now there is a heady statement for you if there ever was one. What does that mean?

Common Sense vs. The Politicization of Money

Let’s take this a step further and apply a little common sense. Think long and hard about the reality of what happens when the Congress increases deficit or regulation. Let’s say that they issue a ruling that says that minimum wage has to be raised in an attempt to “stimulate economy”. The banner is raised, the people applaud, the pressure is on, the companies lobby, the bill goes up for a vote, millions of other pork is attached, and the bill passes and becomes law. Right?

Not exactly, or perhaps a better way to put it would be it’s not the end of the story.

The rest of the story is that companies comply with the new law requirement, as they have no choice, jobs are lost because expenses go up, prices go up to cover losses. Nevertheless, the money the minimum wage maker earns goes no further than it did at the previous level after the first couple of paychecks, and more often than you realize, you actually lose money. Why, because the prices of goods and services, which let’s face it, we all consume, are increased by the companies in order for the companies to be able to absorb the new wage requirement. It sounds greedy of them, but I promise I will show you that it is not greed, but a necessary fact of life.

This next paragraph is very important to remember for future discussion:

In a nutshell, this is the core of the issue; the government has a corner on the money supply, and to answer that second point Greenspan made: The Government can and does use inflation as a hidden tax, selling it to the masses as an increase in their ‘personal profitability’ or in other words – a hand out. When in reality, it's the magic tax from the government’s point of view because nobody understands it and many people want it. Who doesn’t like the idea of something for nothing?

In the case of any number of this type of a bill, it receives resistance mainly by the companies that are affected, as they tell the government this means they will have to raise the prices of manufactured goods or services to cover shortfall, and the masses take another sip of Kool-Aid and say, “this is just big money talking”.

Power yourself back to that 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act, and take a good look at it. Yeah it’s big money all right, but not of the type you are thinking. It is the governmental big business big money talking, not the little ma and pa shop. These people are hungry and they want more taxes. The companies that are “too big to fail” and the government who has to make up shortfall somehow, win back confidence of the voters, improve morale and all the other “dance of the seven veils” items they do to keep us , well… to put it bluntly, quiet. It is the quintessential panacea to the masses.

”We must keep printing money. We must keep taxing wages.” is their Mantra. However, they can’t ALWAYS say they are doing that…especially when the candidate now in office promises he won't.

But…If they raise your income, you pay them more taxes without them ever having to push through a bill for an increase. It makes you feel good, it makes them look good, but I promise you, it is Kool-Aid. I will help you understand this statement in the following subsection, but first let’s take a second to review exactly who the small businesses are and what they do you for you.

According to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), small businesses:

• Produces roughly half of the private Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creates, on average, about two-thirds of net new jobs annually.

• Are the greatest sources of new employment in inner cities, comprise more than 99 percent of your local establishments, and carry more than 80 percent of total employment.

• American small business is the world’s second largest economy, trailing only the United States as a whole.

• Employs more than half of private sector employees.

• Ninety percent of small businesses employ fewer than 20 people.

• Small firms represent 99.7 percent of all employers.

• Nearly 16 million people operate a small business as their primary occupation in a year.

• Women-owned firms have grown at around two times the rate of all firms; minority-owned firms have grown at around four times the rate of all firms.

The people who are small business and are affected by this scenario are your Barber Joe, your best friend Sally’s Deli down at the corner where you eat lunch every day, and your neighbor Tom who just started his own landscaping company. You are affected too though, in some cases even worse than small business because you as a wage earner can’t raise any new money on your own without taking a 2nd or even 3rd job. You only have to think about it for a minute or so before you see it, but I promise you, this will make sense because I’m going to play out the whole scenario for you now.

Headline: Congress Today Announced Plan for Minimum Wage Increase

You see the headlines on the front page over morning coffee. The bill to increase minimum wage has been introduced to the Congress at 50 cents an hour. “Well, that’s good.” you think to yourself. “I could sure use that!” You see the headlines the following week as they shout “Companies Lobby Congress for Relief. Says No to Minimum Wage Increases” You just shake your head and think, “Leave it to big business.”

You and your friends hang out at lunchtime that day and say, “These rich companies and their fat cat buddies don’t want to give us a raise, and they’d rather keep us down so they can keep the profits for themselves and make money off the sweat of our backs. The greedy creeps!”

Then on the evening News things are heating up. You sit up with interest as you watch the guy you voted for a several other people line up and run to the podium. “We are here for your benefit,” they cry. “The American people need help and we want you to know that we work for you and WE HEAR YOU! The rich companies have got to pay our poor workers more!” The people in the audience welcome and cheer and rally around with open arms, glad slapping each other and jumping up and down in their spot, because their paycheck is now about to get bigger.

Then the other side climbs up to the podium and screams, “This is partisan politics! This is “tax and spend” policy. This will hurt our economy! In the long run this will hurt you, your kids, and your company!”

“Huh, what?” the people say in return. The booing starts.

You yell at the TV, “Dude! I just need more money! Those guys before you made sense and they just gave me the ‘rah rah’ speech and it made me feel real good! You want me to give a hoot about how my little 50 cent raise is going to hurt the economy!? Are you kidding me? It’s the economy that hurts me, Buddy, and I am done with your partisan politics! So, welcome to the real world Mr. Hoity Toit. I need to feed my kids!” You get disgusted and turn the channel to the baseball game to ease your worried mind.

Yet, have you noticed we still have a hard time getting ahead? Why is that? We as a people are completely unaware that it really goes no further than that ‘rah rah’ speech, because while the money looks bigger on the paycheck, we are still having the same trouble meeting our obligations as we did before, maybe even more. We might walk around with great big question marks hanging over our head and worry weighing heavily on our mind, but we don’t really care to explore it because we are too busy making ends meet. The poor are still with us.

Let’s take a minute to do some fuzzy math.

The bill passed and you are into your 3rd week of your new wage increase. God Bless America. Let’s assume for our little experiment that the average paycheck is taxed at 25%. Your 50-cent raise just became 37.5 cents.

Your best friend Sally at the deli sits down next to you with a stack of letters in her hand as you are eating your sandwich and just starts talking. She tells you that she is worried. Her deli has to pay her 4 full time employees 50 cents more an hour and she is open 7 days a week, so her expenses just went up by $16 dollars a day at a minimum, not including overtime or part time employees, or $112 per week. She says her milk delivery company apparently has the same problem on a larger scale because his employees have to be paid more too and he has 50 employees. This morning, she continues, the deliveryman told her that the milk delivery service is increasing 2 cents a container for delivery. Since she buys 200 containers, 2 cents times 200 containers a week is $4 a week.

She was okay with that at first, but she goes on to say she that she just opened the mail a few minutes ago and now she’s getting scared. It looks like it’s the same with the milk bottling company who supplies the milk delivery company, and the dairy farmers who supply the milk to the bottling company. She lifts up her hand to show you the stack they just sent her; the top one says NOTICE OF INCREASE. She says that the total milk price itself goes up another 5 cents times 200 containers or $10.00 a week. Sally, almost to tears now says that just with those things, her expenses are now $126.00 more a week than they were last week. That’s not all though, it’s the same with the meat sellers, the vegetable grower, her pie maker, her utilities, and everything has to go up to cover losses. All those little amounts are going to add up to about $200.00 a week. “That’s $800 a month!” she exclaims angrily.

Now she is your best friend, you know she only brings in about $800 a week after expenses, and she has the house and the kids. She says she is going to have to do something too so she can feed her kids, because she just lost $200 of that $800 a week because of a 50-cent law. She says, “Some of the other owners were in earlier and it’s the same with the Joe the Barber, Sal the grocer, and Tom the landscaper.

Every company has to pay higher wages and their expenses increase as their suppliers have to raise prices to cover their expenses. They were all talking about how they would have to raise their prices. “None of them want to do it, but gosh, what else can we do? You know Lee died last year he didn’t have life insurance. I have the 3 kids to feed, not to mention my dogs! That house to upkeep. What am I going to do?” she asks, getting misty eyed while she is waving all these increase notices around in the air.

“Uh oh”, you think. You feel real bad for her. She was your best buddy’s wife and she does have it hard, you know that. But did she just tell you that everyone was talking about raising prices? What does that mean for you? You still have to get your haircut, that big tree trimmed and buy food, right? You have an awareness that something just doesn’t bode well that you didn’t when the political posturing was going on, so you decide to check it out.

Taking the Math Home

So let’s say for arguments sake, it’s been a few weeks and you have some actual figures you can add up. How much more has all this has cost you, now that everything has settled down some? You pull out your calculator. That total cost you pay extra for all your goods and services a week is going to be about $20.00 once you figure it all up. Since your actual increase is only 37.5 cents an hour and you work 40 hours a week, your increase actual, after income tax, is $15.00 a week. $15.00 -$20.00 = (-$5.00) right?

Wait a darn minute! Did you just discover that you lost $5.00 a week of income because you are making 50 cents more an hour? You drag butt back to work and start talking about it to your friends there.

They’re a little shocked by what you are saying. Jim says, “If we only got to keep the whole 50 cents, at least we would have gotten a little something maybe.” Jerry nods his head and says “Yeah, man but do you know what Tom told me this morning as he was fixing that tree of mine? He said the government just got 12.5 cents an hour for every single minimum wage worker in America for every hour of work they do and they sold it to us as a benefit even though the word tax increase never passed their lips”…..

Let’s assume there are 10 million workers just like you in this country times 12.5 cents an hour. That’s $1,250,000.00 MORE AN HOUR THE GOVERNMENT IS PULLING IN OFF YOUR WAGES WITHOUT A TAX INCREASE!

You can bet ‘The Fed’ has those presses heating up and they are printing a whole bunch of new money. Money that has a big risk of halving itself once it hits the market, because although it is a “good”; it acts different from other goods. There is little behind it except that you keep your job and that they hope they can actually count on your wages for their windfall or fiat money. What is fiat money again? Fiat Money is intrinsically useless and is used only as a medium of exchange.

Can you hear me now? Do you see it? This is an oversimplification, but you get the point, I’m sure.

Every time anything of this nature occurs, whether it is an increase in Social Security distributions, minimum wage increases, healthcare reforms, welfare increases or pork barrel funding - Americans dependence increases on our government - our desire is for getting a little break for all our effort, yet it goes no further.

No one stops to ask why.

This is the crux of the statist ideology. It is a welfare State mentality, rather than a free enterprise mentality and we continue to become more apathetic the longer this goes on. The proper definition of a statist is the practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy. No wonder they say that free enterprise doesn’t work. It isn’t allowed to work!

We say we are a democratic society, which actually we aren’t, we are a Republic according to our Constitution, and there is a distinct difference between those two forms of government. A democracy is ruled by the majority without protection for the minority at all. What the majority says, goes, unequivocally. A republic however, is meant to CONTROL the majority while ensuring the inalienable rights of ALL people. For this point though, neither of those forms of government function well when ruled by statism, yet we are statist society.

Why, you ask? Simply because we don’t understand what goes into all these monetary laws and amendments and so the government and the candidate’s get to tell us what we don’t know in any form they think will get them what they want. The candidates act like the School Council member running for President, promising anything and everything they can to try to be elected!

If that means that they pass a hidden Magic tax off as a benefit, and we don’t understand what they are saying, then we lose. They get to feed us the definition and we know no better. We don’t understand it and we don’t think we want to take the time to understand.

Apathy feeds dependence and dependence feeds bondage, yet we continue to stare at the headlines with the dull stare of a dairy cow - whose price just increased a little bit.

There are reasons Woodrow Wilson said what he did 6 short years after passing the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act, and this is one of the major ones.

I read in another part of my study; “The fiat standard cannot do what a well-run, or poorly run gold standard can do, which is not attempt to tailor the money supply to any political constituency's demand. Fiat requires philosopher king-bankers. Commodity money requires mere humans.” It is not a perfect system, as a gold standard specie can still cause havoc. There was a gold standard before the great Depression, and it did not prevent the government from inflating the money supply after the Federal Reserve Act because we became a “mixed currency”. Nevertheless, it controlled them better than Fiat Money.

The printing of money is what caused the "lack of faith" in the governments, and as a result speculative attacks on the currencies through options trading and shorting money, companies, and commodities. People may not know why, but they know whether something feels credible or not.

The solution is as simple as it is complex: disallow the practice of issuing fraudulent money. All circulating currency must be backed by existing gold. This is a gold specie standard. And stop the practice of handing out money willy nilly to the less fortunate, but protect them by law and focus where the issues are, in education, in true job creation, in bringing back the American dream through jobs in America rather than overseas. Do what the UK did in part in going back to the gold standard after the war, just at today’s dollar rather than 1971’s dollar.

We are probably entering into a Depression anyway, choose the bondage we are about to enter to fix the problem, don’t just react to it in a single vote and then run for cover and complain when it didn’t quite turn out the way promised or way worse than expected. Do we really know what affects the Healthcare bill and Cap and Trade will have? We do know that promised money from Stimulus stands at $23.7 TRILLION dollars right now and we do know that if we spent $1,000,000.00 a day every day since the day Jesus was born, we wouldn't YET hit spending of $1 TRILLION dollars. We can't even possibly deal with the kind of money these guys are spending. It will ruin our nation, just as it ruined Rome.

Completely severing state and money would be the best solution but that is probably impossible. However, the Government through private bankers has no business being in the manufacturing of money, other than in punishing fraud. We need somewhere to start this process and personally people way more skilled than I believe that “somewhere” is gold specie.

If you aren't in Washington on 9/12, you are just asking for trouble.