Monday, April 20, 2009

Two Can Play at This Game

The elitists are it again. They Target, Freeze, Personalize, and Polarize their opponent in the brashest way possible, in order to make them a laughing stock of a nation. How better to do that than by making accusations, making offensive fun at others, insinuating dirty ideas and separating us through the sensibilities and morals of the various individuals within the group.

As individuals, we know better. Let’s face it, we are all grown up and should be able to see through the dirty tricks and jokes. We realize exactly what they are doing. I maintain we are giving them exactly what they expect with “acting wounded” and demanding apologies. If we demand apologies, we are reacting, not acting. We are choosing to remain in the defensive position. Why should we give them the satisfaction? We forget that offense is our best defense. In other words, don’t get mad, JUST GET EVEN! This is war. No apologies are necessary.

At the risk of sounding a little crass, homosexuals did not invent the action they refer to as teabagging, regardless of whether they invented the term. It is a fact though that a strong contingency of gays seek to make sex as perverse and public as they can for the shock, awe, and brag factors. I attribute this to “group-think”.

In group-think, everyone thinks they are individuals – or rather they want to believe that they are - and in the trying, they seek to top each other in their attention getting “I am more obnoxious and out there than you are” ploys. That way they can pretend they are simply expressing themselves while working diligently at being “fabulous”. In reality, it’s no different than the little gang of bullies trying to steal your lunch money, you have a leader and you have the follower’s, but they all try to act tough and as if they all are the originators of the idea of bullying. Until, of course, you challenge them! Then they run for the little weaklings they are.

In processing all these staged interviews with the elitists, I decided that the first step to reversing the trend of targeting is to make fun of the targeter. To do that, we simply embrace the moniker. The facts are that we do send tea bags through the mail, we wear tea bag pins and hang tea bags off our hats. We can take hold of teabagging and give it new meaning. If we do not accept the term as they define it, we remove the sting in the crass sense of the word. We end up in the position of making fun of them by actually taking on the term, changing it around, and calling ourselves teabaggers, so the joke is on them. We are the “giver” of the teabags. In our sense of the word, that means we "stuff" something all right, we stuff their mailboxes by starting a nationwide envelope campaign, hopefully enough that they will gag on it. I am not going to be embarrassed by a term just because they want to use it to belittle and make a mockery of regular people.

Everyone who uses a derogatory term or calls us tea-baggers, astroturfers, shameful, despicable, racists, or accuses us of “unhealthy displays of disaffection” or any such negative term, gets “bagged” big time. We send millions of tea bags. We bury them in the highest caffeine versions we can find to ‘OD’ them on the stuff and we do it proudly. We do so without false modesty, posturing, or embarrassment. We simply learned that like many other words or terms there is a derogatory alter-meaning. We realize it is just another bit of the education we need to be a successful Alinsky Students for Conservative Values.

We have a little fun with it. We make them out to be the targets… the butt of their own joke…(pun intended) and we freeze them, personalize the embarrassment, and we polarize them. We rise up and be strong. We are able to take any insult and turn it around.

We aren’t the astroturfers, we aren’t the union printed sign holders funded by the DNC, or the 40 protesters in front of AIG, we are the real article with absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and we need to be proud of that fact and ourselves, while having a little fun with it at the expense of the other guy. We need to stop the prudishness.

Lest those who are religious begin to think this is a sinful response, may I say the reaction they expect is that we should only ever be kind to them in return, yet remain abashed or appalled by those who ridicule us by stomping our feet and demanding apology. Even if we got an apology because they were forced to, it would be an empty one. Why bother?! The meek and mild soldier isn’t what God expects us to do in war, and in case you haven’t noticed, this is a war of ideologies.

Take a second to remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees, the moneychangers and the group-thinkers of His time. In Luke’s John the Baptist story, Jesus ridicules the religious leaders who rejected John the Baptist. He compares them with bratty little kids who just don’t want to play no matter what the game is. John the Baptist came as an Old Testament prophet: a man from the desert who shouted, "repent or be damned". He was a puritan, drank no wine, ate honey and figs, and fasted regularly.

The authorities made fun of him, saying that he was just one weird dude and must be demon-possessed. Then Jesus came along, also preaching repentance, but with a more relaxed style, he drank wine, and didn’t fast continually; to which the authorities said Jesus is "a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of . . . ‘sinners’".

These objections are contradictory on the face of them, just like the teabagging missives and astroturfing accusations are today, but that doesn’t matter to the leaders, because they aren’t the actual reasons for the statements to begin with.

The authorities don’t object to the style of John the Baptist and Jesus . . . but they object vehemently to their respective messages . . . the message that salvation comes through repentance, not through following the strict "legalism" of the oral law. The spiritually discerning individual can see right through the duplicity of the authorities, then and now. We aren’t sinning, we are at ideological and moral war, and God expects that we act as such.

I challenge you to start your career as a teabagger today. Send your letters to Schakowsky (D-IL), Pelosi of California, Cooper Anderson of CNN, Paul Krugman of the NYTimes, David Axelrod, Sr. White Advisory, little miss crazy lady, Janine Garafolo, for starters. Then move on to anyone else you find who is joining in the chorus of crass name-calling through their elitism.

Send them tomorrow and send them often. Let us know if you hear someone else. While you are at it, send two to Napolitano as well for target veterans and everyday Americans as extremists.

We just can’t take it anymore. Fabulous is just selfish and it is time we divorced these so-called "leaders".


  1. Thank you for presenting a perspective that I would have never thought of. They do want us to feel hurt for what they've said, because that gives them the upper hand. We need to respond on the offensive, not the defensive.

  2. Absolutely we do, Greg, thanks for your comments. I must admit I was a little hesitant putting this out there, but feedback by email and by phone on this blog and its contents (especially this one) has been great! Thanks for understanding why I said what I said and how I said it (a bit irreverent) to make the point. Thanks also for writing in on the blog to do this. I really do appreciate the comments but encourage others to voice their opinion on line to help drive the readership of this blog to higher levels. Thanks!
