As our “sort of like god” President raises himself above nations, earth and men, we the people are pawns in a zero-sum game with the administration, the czars and Congress. We are being played to keep us in a state of fear while they steal our money and our liberty. They tout international crisis, global warming disasters, healthcare crisis, economic crisis, housing crisis, and the end-of-life-as-we-know-it-if-we-don’t-have something-passed-by-the-end-of-the-week, weekly crisis - simply to keep us afraid.
Not only do they tout crises but they tell us they see “gold in them thar hills” and they plainly state that they plan to use these crises that come across their desk to their gain! Not our gain, not America’s gain - theirs!
I don’t know how many of you remember the days of the Cold War, but Russia always complained that they were in a zero-sum game – meaning America always won and they always lost. In fact, they still believe it as they just said as much yesterday about Obama and Lady Mi’s latest apology tour to Russia.
In an article in the news.scotsman.com they wrote “Russian news agency Pravda was less than subtle in an editorial summing up the Obama administration, headlined: "Obama: Deceiver, cheat, swindler, liar, fraudster, con-artist. [I think I am beginning to like Pravda these days!] The root cause of the antagonism is a belief in the Kremlin that relations with the West must inevitably be a "zero-sum" game – every gain for the West is a loss for Russia.”
But wait, didn’t President Clinton declare the inevitable end of ALL zero-sum games in a Wired interview? In 2000, he said “The more complex societies get and the more complex the networks of interdependence within and beyond community and national borders get, the more people are forced in their own interests to find non-zero-sum solutions. That is, win–win solutions instead of win–lose solutions....”
It is possible to play a non-zero-sum game as Clinton, Obama and the progressives believe, but only under one of two circumstances, either you DON’T KEEP SCORE, or the only people you play with are people of equal power who have equal cards in an equally stacked deck!
Let’s think about this for a minute. Let’s take just one country and examine this worldwide non-zero-sum game. Let’s take Venezuela’s Chavez. What a great guy he is! He is taking over all the people’s money, all the oil, the banks (only Friday he took over Spanish-owned Banco de Venezuela giving HIM control over more than one-fifth of bank deposits in the country), demanding the end of the US dollar standard, befriending all good despots, and he took over the Presidency this February - forever.
What’s even more interesting is Venezuela’s history. The people suffered under turmoil until the 1958 overthrow of General Jiminez. The ensuing political calm ended again in 1989 when the people rioted and more than 200 of them were killed in Caracas. The Caracazo was a revolt against an economic austerity program launched by President Perez.
In February 1992, a group of army lieutenant colonels led by Chávez mounted an unsuccessful coup attempt, claiming that the events of 1989 showed that the political system no longer served the interests of the people. A second, unsuccessful coup attempt by other officers followed in November 1992. A year later, their Congress impeached Perez on corruption charges.
Now here is something that might sound familiar to us: deep popular dissatisfaction with the traditional political parties, income disparities, and economic difficulties were some of the major frustrations expressed by Venezuelans following Perez's impeachment. In December 1998, Hugo Chávez won the presidency on a campaign for broad reform, change and an end to corruption. Hmmmm.
Chávez platform called for writing a new constitution for Venezuela. He said the existing political system had become isolated from the people. Voters gave all but six seats to the candidates of Chávez’s movement that first election cycle. The new Constitution’s draft was accepted in a national referendum in 1999. One of the new rules was that a President could serve 2 terms of 6 years each.
As Chávez power and wealth grew, his supporters won the majority of the seats in the 2005 municipal elections, and all 167 seats in the National elections later that same year- after most opposition candidates withdrew one week before the elections over voter secrecy concerns.
The independent election observers from the EU (European Union) and OAS (Organization of American States) stated those elections were marked by record-high abstention and high levels of distrust in electoral institutions. That’s double-speak meaning that the voters were scared stiff to even vote. The reports made specific recommendations to increase transparency and help voters regain confidence in the system. The recommendations weren’t ever implemented.
Chávez proposed to reform his own REFORMED Constitution AGAIN in 2007, including measures that allowed indefinite presidential terms, geographic boundaries reorganization (redistricting), and a redefinition of private property (we get to take yours when we feel like it).
In late 2007, those reforms were narrowly defeated. Angered by his first loss, Chávez stated he might pass many of the changes defeated in the referendum by presidential decree, but instead played his power again (by scaring more people?) and won his referendum 14 months later in February. In the end, the people knew they had lost and just gave up. He took 10 years to take away their will, now he will finish taking their property, their money, and their lives.
Chávez can now be an official despot like Castro, Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-il and his son Kim ll-Sung. He can remain in power. The people of these countries are poor and getting poorer, hungry and getting hungrier while their leaders are rich, fat and powerful and getting more so by the day.
Not only do they tout crises but they tell us they see “gold in them thar hills” and they plainly state that they plan to use these crises that come across their desk to their gain! Not our gain, not America’s gain - theirs!
I don’t know how many of you remember the days of the Cold War, but Russia always complained that they were in a zero-sum game – meaning America always won and they always lost. In fact, they still believe it as they just said as much yesterday about Obama and Lady Mi’s latest apology tour to Russia.
In an article in the news.scotsman.com they wrote “Russian news agency Pravda was less than subtle in an editorial summing up the Obama administration, headlined: "Obama: Deceiver, cheat, swindler, liar, fraudster, con-artist. [I think I am beginning to like Pravda these days!] The root cause of the antagonism is a belief in the Kremlin that relations with the West must inevitably be a "zero-sum" game – every gain for the West is a loss for Russia.”
But wait, didn’t President Clinton declare the inevitable end of ALL zero-sum games in a Wired interview? In 2000, he said “The more complex societies get and the more complex the networks of interdependence within and beyond community and national borders get, the more people are forced in their own interests to find non-zero-sum solutions. That is, win–win solutions instead of win–lose solutions....”
It is possible to play a non-zero-sum game as Clinton, Obama and the progressives believe, but only under one of two circumstances, either you DON’T KEEP SCORE, or the only people you play with are people of equal power who have equal cards in an equally stacked deck!
Let’s think about this for a minute. Let’s take just one country and examine this worldwide non-zero-sum game. Let’s take Venezuela’s Chavez. What a great guy he is! He is taking over all the people’s money, all the oil, the banks (only Friday he took over Spanish-owned Banco de Venezuela giving HIM control over more than one-fifth of bank deposits in the country), demanding the end of the US dollar standard, befriending all good despots, and he took over the Presidency this February - forever.
What’s even more interesting is Venezuela’s history. The people suffered under turmoil until the 1958 overthrow of General Jiminez. The ensuing political calm ended again in 1989 when the people rioted and more than 200 of them were killed in Caracas. The Caracazo was a revolt against an economic austerity program launched by President Perez.
In February 1992, a group of army lieutenant colonels led by Chávez mounted an unsuccessful coup attempt, claiming that the events of 1989 showed that the political system no longer served the interests of the people. A second, unsuccessful coup attempt by other officers followed in November 1992. A year later, their Congress impeached Perez on corruption charges.
Now here is something that might sound familiar to us: deep popular dissatisfaction with the traditional political parties, income disparities, and economic difficulties were some of the major frustrations expressed by Venezuelans following Perez's impeachment. In December 1998, Hugo Chávez won the presidency on a campaign for broad reform, change and an end to corruption. Hmmmm.
Chávez platform called for writing a new constitution for Venezuela. He said the existing political system had become isolated from the people. Voters gave all but six seats to the candidates of Chávez’s movement that first election cycle. The new Constitution’s draft was accepted in a national referendum in 1999. One of the new rules was that a President could serve 2 terms of 6 years each.
As Chávez power and wealth grew, his supporters won the majority of the seats in the 2005 municipal elections, and all 167 seats in the National elections later that same year- after most opposition candidates withdrew one week before the elections over voter secrecy concerns.
The independent election observers from the EU (European Union) and OAS (Organization of American States) stated those elections were marked by record-high abstention and high levels of distrust in electoral institutions. That’s double-speak meaning that the voters were scared stiff to even vote. The reports made specific recommendations to increase transparency and help voters regain confidence in the system. The recommendations weren’t ever implemented.
Chávez proposed to reform his own REFORMED Constitution AGAIN in 2007, including measures that allowed indefinite presidential terms, geographic boundaries reorganization (redistricting), and a redefinition of private property (we get to take yours when we feel like it).
In late 2007, those reforms were narrowly defeated. Angered by his first loss, Chávez stated he might pass many of the changes defeated in the referendum by presidential decree, but instead played his power again (by scaring more people?) and won his referendum 14 months later in February. In the end, the people knew they had lost and just gave up. He took 10 years to take away their will, now he will finish taking their property, their money, and their lives.
Chávez can now be an official despot like Castro, Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong-il and his son Kim ll-Sung. He can remain in power. The people of these countries are poor and getting poorer, hungry and getting hungrier while their leaders are rich, fat and powerful and getting more so by the day.
We have to understand that despots rule because the people are afraid of them! The only people in those countries who are happy are those who are in power and their families and friends. How they square what happens to their fellow citizens is simply because it is a zero-sum win and they are winning! Where have we heard that nearly every day this year? That is where we are headed in our country, very quickly with all the legislation coming down the pike, with the czars, the business takeovers, the bank takeovers. It’s the same damn thing!
We really do NOT believe that a dictatorship can happen here in America. I don’t know why we think that because as we are witness, it happens all over the world. Never the less and for some strange reason, we still believe it just can’t happen in America. Our government would never move by force against we the people… Why wouldn’t they if it means they gain control, riches, and all the liberty?
Don’t doubt it. Obama is powerful enough, he is taking the same path as others before him, and like others before him, he is winning while we the people are going to be the ultimate losers in this game. We are in the being played in this zero-sum game, you, me and our kids, along with our culture and liberty will be on the losing end - unless we make winning our second job.
One can only win a non-zero-sum game if you are the ones in power. IF we are the ones who stand to gain, IF we are the ones who are being bailed out because we are TOO BIG TO FAIL, and IF we are the ones who count one whit, we might have a fighting chance. But this particular game benefits no one but Obama and his minions. It is why they had thugs at the polls and didn’t limit the campaigning at the polls, why the White House took over the Census, why they are passing all these major bills and it is why they are on apology tours around the world to our enemies all the while he is thumbing his nose to our allies! We gave it all up, we did near exactly what Venezuela 10 years prior, we voted in a one party rule and none of our usual tactics are working for us to stop them.
Our government is the end all, be all right now to remove us from our rights in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights for the sake of progressive party power. They only want to stay in power, to do that they must control all major industry and all money. When they succeed the control of the people of the US will be complete. We are the losers in Cap and Trade, in stimulus and bailouts, we are the losers in Healthcare Reform and we are certainly the losers if he too can be “President forever”.
What does it take for us to see the similarities, to recognize a despot and to know that dictatorships do not work? It only takes knowledge and the will to use it every single day going forward.
We really do NOT believe that a dictatorship can happen here in America. I don’t know why we think that because as we are witness, it happens all over the world. Never the less and for some strange reason, we still believe it just can’t happen in America. Our government would never move by force against we the people… Why wouldn’t they if it means they gain control, riches, and all the liberty?
Don’t doubt it. Obama is powerful enough, he is taking the same path as others before him, and like others before him, he is winning while we the people are going to be the ultimate losers in this game. We are in the being played in this zero-sum game, you, me and our kids, along with our culture and liberty will be on the losing end - unless we make winning our second job.
One can only win a non-zero-sum game if you are the ones in power. IF we are the ones who stand to gain, IF we are the ones who are being bailed out because we are TOO BIG TO FAIL, and IF we are the ones who count one whit, we might have a fighting chance. But this particular game benefits no one but Obama and his minions. It is why they had thugs at the polls and didn’t limit the campaigning at the polls, why the White House took over the Census, why they are passing all these major bills and it is why they are on apology tours around the world to our enemies all the while he is thumbing his nose to our allies! We gave it all up, we did near exactly what Venezuela 10 years prior, we voted in a one party rule and none of our usual tactics are working for us to stop them.
Our government is the end all, be all right now to remove us from our rights in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights for the sake of progressive party power. They only want to stay in power, to do that they must control all major industry and all money. When they succeed the control of the people of the US will be complete. We are the losers in Cap and Trade, in stimulus and bailouts, we are the losers in Healthcare Reform and we are certainly the losers if he too can be “President forever”.
What does it take for us to see the similarities, to recognize a despot and to know that dictatorships do not work? It only takes knowledge and the will to use it every single day going forward.
Cartoon is the courtesy of my friend Robert Smith, Jr. To see more of his work, check out http://www.robsmithjr.com/! Thanks Rob!
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