Sunday, August 2, 2009

Haters Anonymous

One law for one creature; it works in the wild, why can’t it work in human race? In examining the most current hate crime bill, the one they will or have already attached as an amendment to some completely unrelated law like, oh, the Defense Appropriations bill for instance; I witness a duality that does not, nor can it exist in nature. If it doesn’t exist in nature, then it must be unnatural; right?

So it is.

If I am a black woman and a white man rapes me, it is a hate crime. If I am an Asian woman and a white woman knocks me down to steal my purse, it must be a hate crime. If I am a white woman and an Asian, Black, Indian, a gay woman, a Jewish man or now even a pedophile rapes me (or my kid), it is not because of hate.

Why is that? Frankly, as the victim, I don’t care if you are black, red, white, yellow, brown or even if you took so much silver in your life, you are now permanently blue; I am feeling like that was a pretty hateful thing you just did to me. You took the most private and spiritual parts of my being as your own without invite, without warning and you purposefully hurt me for your own pleasure, gain, and sick sense of power.

But no, not in America. A person of color gets off easier simply because I am white and you are not. You get privileges, you get “counseling”, you get TV, radio, 3 squares, workout rooms and internet for free while I try to piece my life, or God forbid, the life of my child back together again. Yet if a white man does it to one of another color or race, he gets a Federal offense. He gets high security federal prison time, locked in his cage, only to be let out once a day like a dog. Frankly, all criminals should receive the same treatment for an equal crime, simply because they hurt someone else. The very fact of me being cream colored now says I am the only race capable of feeling prejudice and I am the only race who is recidivistic, there is no cure for me.

No matter it was a white man, and a Republican, President Grant who fought an uphill battle against all the democrats to gain blacks the right to vote. No notice that it was a white man, a Progressive Democrat, President Roosevelt, who added the Asian race category to the census so that he could easily round up the Asians and place them in internment camps here in the US. Or that Martin Luther King Jr himself was a Republican because they were the party to free the black man, the ones who thought it so wrong that blacks were segregated.

All whites are now considered inherently evil as the Democrats usurped the titled of the “freer” in the country. We are told now that whites think they are a master race bent on enslaving those who don’t look the same, therefore are singled out to be the only peoples capable to use another to gain pleasure, a sick sense of power or as a means to an end.

I have news for you. My ancestors were quite a mix, I am the great granddaughter of a mixed male, born on a plantation of a slave woman, my grandmother was first listed as a MF (mixed female). I am the great, 5 x’s over granddaughter of one who was the interim 2nd governor of Maryland, and cousin to another who was one of the first Senators of W VA. I am the great 2x granddaughter of an American Indian, and I am also English, German, Irish and who knows what else. I am the great granddaughter of a Medal of Honor winner who fought for the north in the Civil War, even though he was from the south, and I am a DAR. I guess that kind of makes me nearly all people, even though I appear cream colored.

I don’t notice color, creed, last names, handicap, or any other differences. I am just a human living in the human race. I am a Republican who is disappointed in her party, feeling quite let down by the Bush’s and the party and I am an American as red, white and blue as they come, with an education and a worldly outlook, interested in other lands and other people. I am a believer in creation, a believer in my 2nd Amendment rights, a believer in second chances and the frailty of the human condition. I don’t care if you are gay or straight and have friends of both persuasions and all races. But if you ever hurt me or mine, then I don’t like you. I see you are a hater. I don’t care your color, I don’t care your breeding, and I certainly don’t care your station in life.

I don’t owe blacks a thing, I don’t owe Germans a thing, I don’t owe anyone anything except maybe my creditors, people of many races bore me and those before me, that is all. Don’t talk to me about hate, because I wouldn’t hurt a fly. Don’t talk to me about reparations because I didn’t do anything to you. I am simply trying to live my life, do my best for my family, and make sense of an upside down world. A new world order where a man loses his job because he chased down an attempted bank robber and held him until the police came, or a white woman who is only trying to be a good Samaritan for a black man’s empty house who is now labeled a racist! A world where folks like that used to be lauded for their community service, are now belittled and ruined by mass hysteria you, Barrack Obama started.

Do not talk to me anymore, Barrack. Your fruits do plenty enough of that. Your ACORN Cloward-Priven Strategies and Alinsky Rules have taught me well that you will the use the poor and the downtrodden for your own gain. You will tell them enough times whatever you think they will buy, in order to get them to back you so you can steal from them and the rest of us. You are a thief of the worst sort; you steal the innocent minds of the country of truth and reasonableness.

You walk two paces ahead of your poor friend Mr. Gates as he tried to get down the stairs of the White house, in your "hard-working-dude" rolled up shirtsleeves, while the awful “recidivist white racist officer Crowley” was the one to take your friends arm and aid your handicapped friend down the steps.

The picture says it all. You are a narcissist liar of the worst sort who believes he is royalty, not a man who puts his pants on the exact same way we all do.

You want a nation to believe that whites are the destructors of all freedoms; whites are the haters, when in reality your very being oozes all the hatreds of hell in everything that you do.

You are the racist, you are not my President, and I don’t like you. You are the hater and I am sick of being pinned with your labels of racist and coward. You can have them back and I hope you wear them well for the hater racist coward that you are. You have failed a nation Mr. President for your own gain and assumed royalty.

How does it feel to be outed?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

When Enough is Never Enough For the Prognazi

A friend and fellow blogger Frank Hill from Telemachus Leaps sent me this link today for my daily email. (Yes, I eblog way more than I blog)

Thanks Frank, a great site!

I found it shocking, sick, greedy, and totally not cool.

Really folks, we haven't even seen the Bush Tax Cuts removed yet, or whatever damage we will see through the new policies, cap and tax and the dreaded Granny Kill Bill from Obamacare.

This regime is not progressive alone, they are Prognazi's all.

From the Tax Foundation

July 29, 2009

Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95%

by Scott A. Hodge

Newly released data from the IRS clearly debunks the conventional Beltway rhetoric that the "rich" are not paying their fair share of taxes.

Indeed, the IRS data shows that in 2007—the most recent data available—the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.4 percent of the total income taxes collected by the federal government. This is the highest percentage in modern history. By contrast, the top 1 percent paid 24.8 percent of the income tax burden in 1987, the year following the 1986 tax reform act.

Remarkably, the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent now exceeds the share paid by the bottom 95 percent of taxpayers combined. In 2007, the bottom 95 percent paid 39.4 percent of the income tax burden. This is down from the 58 percent of the total income tax burden they paid twenty years ago.

To put this in perspective, the top 1 percent is comprised of just 1.4 million taxpayers and they pay a larger share of the income tax burden now than the bottom 134 million taxpayers combined.

Some in Washington say the tax system is still not progressive enough. However, the recent IRS data bolsters the findings of an OECD study released last year showing that the U.S.—not France or Sweden—has the most progressive income tax system among OECD nations. We rely more heavily on the top 10 percent of taxpayers than does any nation and our poor people have the lowest tax burden of those in any nation.

We are definitely overdue for some honesty in the debate over the progressivity of the nation's tax burden before lawmakers enact any new taxes to pay for expanded health care.

For more on this topic, a new Tax Foundation Fiscal Fact includes eight charts of just-released IRS data, and an accompanying dataset breaks the numbers down even further. Read the new Tax Foundation Fiscal Fact or view the data (an Excel sheet is available for download at the bottom of the data page).