Friday, April 23, 2010

The Coming Bowel Movement

The Obamabots, those glassy-eyed subhuman species who thrill to the tingles every lie the great one tells, stood up last week and shouted “Thank You!” to the great one as he made fun of every red blooded American freedom lover on the streets protesting his tax and spend policies.

Obama makes light of anti-tax protests. President Obama said during a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Miami on Thursday that he was "amused" by tea party rallies across the US, observing that he has signed tax cuts into law. Obama told the crowd at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, one of two Miami DNC fundraisers he attended Thursday, that he has "cut taxes, contrary to the claims of protesters." The President said, "You would think they'd be saying thank you." Many in the crowd then "stood and yelled, 'Thank you!'

Well, this red-blooded American says No Thanks, Mr. Obama. No thanks indeed.

You lied on lowering taxes.

You lied on transparency.

You lied on being a centrist; in fact you are as extreme as they come.

You lie on lying; you are doing so right now on the VAT taxes you can’t wait to push the overcharge button to initiate.

You are the epitome of everything the founders warned us about. You are at best a Socialist and at worst a Marxist and we are not buying what you are selling. Not one little bit.

Yesterday your evil twin over at ACORN turned her Alinsky poisoned spirit on the Tea Party Movement, calling us a Bowel Movement. I can just see you and your Chief of Staff giggling in utter delight as you watched that particular video, sitting back on your haunches like the dogs that you are, laughing in delight with the word picture Bertha Lewis spat off her vile tongue. What you and Congress don’t yet realize, sir, is that the description is actually a perfect turn of phrase to depict what we have in mind for you as we turn these last 14 months around starting this November.

We are the teaming masses sir, we are the people! We are the real article and if there is one thing we know, it is just how powerful we are. We are more powerful than you can ever imagine. We are so committed to the internal cleansing of this nation that you will look back on your ACORN assisted usurpation of the White House and wish you had never bound us up with your actions. We embrace that description Mr. Obama. We vow to be the laxative this country needs as our cleansing action is totally aimed at you and your associated parasites.

Nature does have a way of dealing with its infections, sir, and you are the head of this particular plague on our great and exceptional nation. We fully recognize that you are the biggest source of the constipation plaguing our system of government as you seek to control all aspects of society and then set about shredding every vestige of liberty within our constitution. I predict you will see the culmination of this first of several cleansings in this coming election and that it will be the largest evacuation of parasites you have ever witnessed as your plan dissolves into so much putrid liquid and global warming caused methane as we work out our constitutional cleansing on you.

I trust that this election you come to realize exactly how deeply your pogrom has failed. I trust this will be the most humiliating moment you will ever live through and that you will writhe with all the pain you have bestowed onto the collective good and decent citizens of this great country as you watch this empire you have tried to build dissolve into the very pile of excrement that it is. May the waves of cramps that these movements promise to instill be prolonged, excruciating, revealing, and unbearable for you and your faux presidency.

May this particular movement expose you for the marxist individual that you are and may your ensuing stench cause you to be bereft of your friends, all trust, any stature and all hope that the cleansing will end soon, sir - as no one will be able to bear to be in the same room with you, let alone continue to cover your effusive behind anymore. I pray that God in heaven will show you for the very constipated spirit that you are and that He causes you to end your regime in all the lame duck glory you deserve, just as weak as a kitten.

We proud Americans will then set about the work we are not too ashamed or too unwilling to do, to clean up the crap you have sprayed over this great country and our constitution.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Let's Not Get Too Late Schmart!

Ah, the old sayings, so full of wisdom....Too Soon Old, Too Late Schmart...How true it is.

Fellow freedom fighters, let's not make that same mistake in our efforts to take our country back.

Today I came across an article in WaPo titled "With midterms approaching, GOP outmatched by Democrats on campaign funds"

"The Republican Party's strategy since early last year of lock-step opposition to the Obama administration's major legislative initiatives has proved to be less bankable than some party leaders may have anticipated.

With eight months to go before congressional elections, House and Senate Democratic candidates exceed in virtually every important campaign fundraising category. Democratic House lawmakers appear likely to reverse their seven-cycle record of being outspent by House Republicans, according to recent finance reports.

Democrats in both chambers are enjoying the traditional advantages of majority-party status -- and then some. They lead in donations by political action committees, by committees affiliated with the national political parties or with House and Senate leaders, and in individual contributions to incumbent lawmakers. In some instances, their lead exceeds what the Republicans had when that party controlled both chambers in the 2005-06 midterm election cycle.

To no surprise, analysts differ by party on the causes and significance of the disparity. Some Republicans say a donations surge may still come in the campaign's final months, particularly as the party courts new, small donors outside Washington. They also complain that donations to party stalwarts have been affected by internal squabbles with rebellious tea partiers, which they hope will end soon."

In our desire to return to our roots, to our constitutional values we all hold so dear, we are failing to realize the political realities of the near future. The consequences of our stubborn rebellion and anger will be our undoing if we are not very careful to turn that old Irish saying around on ourselves VERY QUICKLY. We need to become Very Soon Schmart!

While we want absolutely no liberal leaning in our candidates, we cannot have that...that is akin to a perfect world and if by our age, we don't realize that nothing is perfect, then we lose.

If we are to have a hope of at least not funding the healthcare bill, to unseat Pelosi, Reid and every other democrat who voted for this monstrosity of a freedom stealing bill and to destroy Obama's plan, getting him out of office in 1022 days in order to repeal this bill, then we must unite and we MUST be smart about it. As much as we may hate the thought of electing a less than perfect candidate, we are stuck with two parties, lest you forget Bush 1 losing to Clinton because of Perot.

Later; after we get this whole team out of office, elect a conservative president, and repeal this bill; then we can look at reforming the GOP as Reagan did in the 60's. Until then we must be content and resigned to color inside the lines. Until then, if you are a Reagan Democrat, work within your party, join your precinct, take back your party and you Reagan Republicans, Reagan Libertarians, Reagan Independents, do the same thing. If we 180 or so Million Conservatives(assuming by the latest polls that 60% of us are now awake) who don't like what is happening to our country, with the healthcare bill, the EPA regulations circumventing our constitutional process as it turns Global Warming into redistributive law and all the rest of their socialist progress can't turn it around in a single election cycle, then we deserve exactly what we get.

We must stop beating up on our own. Remember what Reagan said...never speak ill of another Republican! Don't buy the MSM efforts to discredit the GOP chairman regardless of whether it bothers you that someone took the YR to a lesbian S & M joint or not....the Dems have done MUCH worse, but they don't eat their own.

The progressives will win if we do not learn this lesson quickly. We need to get off the chairman's back, we need to shrug it off, ask him to take better care and to realize there are infiltrator's that he is dealing with in his organization the same as there are infiltrator's we are dealing with. Stop the sibling rivalry and win this one for the Gipper, friends -or risk losing our country - perhaps forever. So open your checkbooks, work to get the best Republican you are handed elected, ignore the Tea Party infiltrators from the bowels of Harry Reid's evil devises, forgive the less than perfect for their wrong and once in, hold them to the right!

Remember who the true teabaggers are and they are not us, they are those very same infiltrators made destructive by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

I wish I could post the following video directly into the site, but apparently PJTV doesn't allow us to do that. Regardless, this video says it all - please watch it and please consider it deeply.

PJTV - Trifecta - In 2010, Will Tea Party Candidates Pour On The Heat Or Get Soaked?