Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reid's Threatening the Use of Reconciliation HUH?

The lovely and gracious Senator Reid is on the bandwagon once again! How fun! I have to ask myself, "Whatever would we do without the entertainment?"

Today he says he is going to use the oft unused Reconciliation Rule to lock Republicans out of a say on the healthcare bill. This means it only takes 51 votes instead of 60 to lock out a filibuster. And he has the bumbling VP Biden to cast his vote should he need him. (Hopefully he won't use the "f" word on the live mic while he's voting!)

God love Harry Reid (because no one else does).

Oh how our joyous "Spirit of Bipartisanship" (as touted so loudly by Obama) is once again out the window. It is now replaced with the resounding taunts of bullies everywhere - "Nanny-nanny, boo-boo! We aren't going to let you have a say in our Healthcare policy, you dirty dog Republicans, you! We are going to make it next to impossible for you to filibuster and you can't make us! Nanny-nanny boo-boo, Suckers!"

Well, good. This fed up musing mind of mine says, "Have at it, Mr. Reid. Just Keep It Up! I hope you understand that this means that you WILL lose your seat next election Mr. Reid. If I (and other's like me) have to sell everything we own to give it all to the Conservative contender, work our little feet to bloody stumps stumping for the other guy, call all our friends in the lovely State of Nevada and generally do everything we possibly can in a legal sense to make your life a living hell every day of your campaign. We promise sir, we will do just that. In fact, many of us simply can't wait for the celebration as we stand on election night to see you ushered directly into the netherworld of 'We just aren't that into you.'"

I'm just saying.

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