Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh Goody! Yet Another "Czar" Proposal

Czar - (n) an emperor or king, an autocratic ruler or leader, any person exercising great power or authority in any field.

Imagine my surprise when perusing today's Drudge Report, the announcement of a proposal for yet another "Czar", this one of the Cybersecurity sort!

Yes, it's true. As early as today we will see a new bill announced that would, are you ready for this one gang? Federalize Cybersecurity! Proposed by Rockefeller (D - WVA) and our dear RINO in sheep's clothing Olympia Snowe (R -cough- ME), the stated intent has far reaching consequences for all.

I would love to know what you think about this new proposal - especially if you are a small business owner, a blogger, or a taxpayer!

According to the Washington Post and I quote:

"Addressing what intelligence officials describe as a gaping vulnerability, the legislation also calls for the appointment of a White House cybersecurity "czar" with unprecedented authority to shut down computer networks, including private ones [italics mine], if a cyberattack is underway, the officials said."

They want to be able to shut down private networks? Hmmmm. Interesting.

Would that, better yet, could that be used to shut down private networks that possibly do not agree with them in the name of Cybersecurity?

Could this government imposed autocratic ruler possibly tell me that my blog, or my business for that matter, represents a National Security Breach to them and unilaterally decide to shut me down...leave my voice silenced...leave my customers in the lurch for my web SAAS product?

It amazes me how this group in government will use any excuse to steal more rights away. Wait, amaze just isn't a strong enough word. Astounds would be more appropriate. No. You know what? The mandate to make use of the "Opportunity of Crisis" has gone so far beyond the pale that I have no words for their audacity left in my vocabulary to express my OUTRAGE properly!

I vote no on any attempt to interfere with private enterprise matters unless said private business is not paying their taxes or treating their employees according to the laws already on the books.

In fact, I vote NO on this entire 111th Congress!

If you aren't Outraged...You. Aren't. Paying. Attention!

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