Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Other Chattering Class IS the Point

Today I am doing my homework in preparation for tomorrow’s Tea Party. There are quite a few opinions out there that I believe deserve a closer look-see.

Opinion #1 Mainstream media: Paul Krugman from the New York Times calls us crazy, "Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn't feel right to make fun of crazy people.", adding that we are “Astroturf” protesters with no real roots and not representative of popular opinion. Others like Rachel Maddoff simply roar with laughter.

These outright leftwing extremist opinionaters (like terminators only devoid of any real ammunition) are attempting to Target us, Freeze us, Personalize us and Polarize us.

They must laugh at us in order to create emotion and undue anger from their loyal party base. It is an Alinksy tool that the left uses so much it has become nothing more than a pesky little gnat we must shoo away. This mocking, ridiculing and marginalization doesn’t bother me anymore because I know it for what it is, and two can play at that game.

Hopefully, you won’t allow it to bother you either.

They call us "Republicans" like it is a dirty word. They make no note of the fact that we are the people, made up of all parties and religions because it serves to marginalize us further, as well as makes it easier to launch the next onslaught of “those greedy rich people”.

By these sound bites mass opinion can be formed. We just need to sound bite them right back.

We must hit them repeatedly with their own book of rules. For instance, Pelosi claims she is for the little guy, yet she spends $60,000 of our money every time she flies her commandeered military private jet to California and $60,000 every time she flies back to DC. That equals right around $510,000 dollars a month (two and a half average mortgages) or a grand total of $6,120,000.00 per year, just in trips home, not to mention her trips to other countries and around the US. That’s a pretty big book with which to hit the “little people protectors”, folks. Sound bites abound in this one little statistic.

In fact, this could be really fun!

Tell you what. I am going to launch a contest, right here, right now. This contest will last for two weeks through May 1st. Write your "Pelosi Private Military Jet" slogans in the comments section and I will decide which one is the best. I will have that slogan designed for a T Shirt and send that T Shirt to the slogan winner FREE, I will even cover shipping. I will also donate that slogan to the Tea Party groups to use in their T Shirt fundraising efforts. Your name will be on the shirt as the author. Let’s have some fun with this one! I have to have at least 20 to choose from, so if enough don't register their slogans, then game is over.

Opinion #2 Leftwing Extremist Groups: Charles Jackson, ACORN’s spokesman, told WDN, "ACORN is going to be engaged in a series of rallies across the country on April 15 in support of the priorities outlined in President Obama's first budget – investments in education, health care, and getting Americans back to work."

Meanwhile rumors abound on Conservative Talk Radio, Fox News and many ning and social networking sites warning of “infiltration” of the left at our Tea Parties and “attempting to provoke violence especially while in front of the cameras.”

Blah, blah, blah. We hear you ACORN. Scare tactics all. This is also in Alinksy’s rule book for socializing a nation, and I quote “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

They are trying to make us afraid to attend. It’s not a worry folks, they are not the big black bear on the porch - they are simply the annoying little mosquito trying to suck some life-blood out of us. Ho Hum.

We have to realize that Alinsky’s School of Organizational Training is a 15-month long, full-time program. We don’t have that long to gear, but that is okay.

As a matter of course, we are simply smarter, better equipped and more experienced than they are. After all, most of them are 20 somethings while most of us have spent our entire lives working, owning businesses, and or being quite successful in the corporate world. We are in our middle years as a whole, wiser, and much of this is just second nature to us. We know how to build the message and marketing the message is as easy to us as rolling off a log.

It helps too, that it is a real issue affecting real working people, with real consequences to us and to our children’s children.

We aren’t manufacturing a perceived slight, we are being slighted, and therefore we have nothing to fear. We don’t have to allow all that training of the organizers intimidate us. We are the real thing and more people are truly conservative when it comes to home and family than are socialistic.

We see clearly this administration’s purpose, tax, spend, and apologize for America and bowing...er...…uh...…“dipping towards” the Kings of other nations. (Or is it picking up quarters in a foreign countries throne room – HA!) to show our new submission to the world at large. All the while it is a smoke screen for signing a G20 document titled the FSB that signs away our country’s sovereignty and the regulation of our own currency.

Rahm's "opportunity of crisis" outline and to-do list has been built and we can clearly see where this is headed. As more American’s realize they are losing their freedoms and their money, the fat lady will sing.

We are simply a nation of individuals who love our country, love our freedom, and will not go silently into the dark night of One World Order. Nor will we remain silent for the direct attempts at marginalizing us.

All this election of One Party Rule did for us (along with this and the last administration’s bailouts) was to awaken the long sleeping giant. Our inner Galt was aroused within us all.

That, my friends, is a good thing. We may not be organizers, but we are so far beyond the pale intellectually, less cruel and more hard working as a whole, that the transition is a natural one for us. We may not get government grants to professionally and full-time go out with our signs, but we are even better, we have learned how to do more on a shoestring!

Take the reins, fear not the reaper, and March baby, March!

Opinion # 3 DOD and Homeland Security: This Homeland Security document is quite ripe my friends, and one which will not play well with the average Joe. Be patient with the link, it takes a bit to load.

It is a take off the MAIC document a few weeks ago, with more punch. This document was sent out to all law enforcement groups, but I somehow think they are not buying it.

(U//FOUO) This product is one of a series of intelligence assessments published by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch to facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United States. The information is provided to federal, state, local, and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States. Federal efforts to influence domestic public opinion must be conducted in an overt and transparent manner, clearly identifying United States Government sponsorship.

In it, they are saying that “The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment.”

So let me see if I get this right….No mention of "leftwing extremists" such as Bill Ayers, ACORN and others, only “rightwing extremists” who are dissatisfied with “real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit” and who “have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning.”????

What they are saying is those of us who are the productive, conservative individuals, the tax-paying citizens of these United States, the ones who sweated our children through school, the ones who have contributed more to society than any other group, are suddenly the enemy. We are instantly classified as the new bullies of society, capable of violence and we are simple haters and racists. See how this works? These Alinsky rules are pretty powerful methods meant to take down opposing views. They have met the enemy and it is we the people.

The thing is friends; we must reject this attempt at targeting, freezing, personalizing, and polarizing us. We must not allow any such document to do their dirty work of intimidating us and we must be even louder for it. Instead of simply carrying the signs at our Tea Parties, join in on the cheers, sing “Our Country Tis of Thee” and “God Bless America” as loudly as you can. Open your windows and shout it out to the world. WE AREN’T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE! Recall your youth, the sit-ins and find that inner and peaceful activist again.

Opinion #4 The Discouraged Set: Often over these last few weeks and with our first Naples Tea Party on the 5th, I heard quite a bit of the “I just don’t see us making a difference. I call and call and no one will listen! They just keep passing bills. What’s the use of continuing this?!”

To that I can only say, “Say WHAT?” We have been silent for far too long. While we were busy living our lives, starting businesses, and sweating over sending our kids to school, they were busy organizing a coup. It is our fault for allowing it to continue while we collected the badges of our success, but we cannot allow this to continue anymore. We simply cannot be silent anymore. We are about 2 months into this, not quite, as the first tea parties occurred on February 27th, 2009. We just got started, but already we see evidence that it is beginning to scare the natives in activism land.

Did you read what I wrote in Opinion #2? These folks simply trained for 15 months! They didn’t tire of the training! We haven’t even begun to catch up. But, and I repeat, given we are smarter than they and can just spontaneously organize, get out there and do it quickly is scaring the living daylights out of the left! That is a really GOOD THING!

We are the doers of the world, we work, we are successful, and we pay our taxes.

They are the trained whiners.

We know Rome wasn’t built in a day and regardless of how shocking these last nearly 80 days have been, I propose we are NOT all Socialists now. Freaking Newsleaze! We must let them in on that secret.

We know how to get a job done right the first time while they spent decades – over 30 years manufacturing false anger and false ideology getting to this point.

We have the wherewithal, we have the ability, we have the common sense, we have the newly raided pocketbooks of the working citizens, the nationalization of our companies, and we have the Constitution on our side.

If the only thing we lack is the foresight to know this will be a long battle, we will be finished before we begin. We cannot get discouraged after less than 80 days into an administration.

So do me one solid, please. Don’t look for the McDonald’s answer to activism. We have to get out there often, run the race, keep calling, keep writing, sign every petition out there from our perspective, keep at it, vote them out, and make sure your newly elected officials fix what this congress has broken. It is the only way.

This is not a sprint – this, my friends, is an octgonathon. This is 80 ways to leave your congressperson!

We don’t have to be forceful with them; we only have to be consistent. We don’t have to get mad; we only have to get even by giving them as good as we get. We are on the side of right!

So regardless of how they belittle and ridicule and pretend not to hear us, do not fear, they hear us, and they are very afraid. They can call us anything they want, extremists, crazy, stupid, racist, sick, uncaring, whatever they want, it cannot be permitted to dissuade us from our mission. Simply put, we cannot let them continue to spend our money, redistribute our wealth and ruin our wonderful free country through socialism.

For a while, this simply has to be a way of life. Many of us have spent our information age forwarding silly jokes through the email, or wasting hours in front of the tube doing nothing but filling our minds with their message. Now we have the opportunity to save our nation for our children. One hour a day on most days is all it takes to make a difference. That’s all. The trick is to just be consistent.

I challenge you to:
• Join a facebook group or ning
• Attend conservative group meetings every other week
• Invite a friend along with you and make it an evening
• Support your Tea Parties, make a sign and show up
• Switch to conservative news each day for a bit, online
• Arm yourselves with facts of this spending
• Forward a few of those article links to your friends
• Cancel a left leaning publication or two
• Find a petition or two to sign, here is two to start
www.912petitions.com & www.telemachusleaps.com
• Research a bill in congress
• Write a letter to your congressperson
• Thank them if they are voting right, chastise them if not
• Make a call to your senator

That is all it takes, just changing up a few of our habits. If we all spend our after dinner hour, lunch hour or before work hour doing that, how different do you think we can make this world.

We really do surround “them”, friends. We just have to remind them of that fact. We have right on our side and right now they are shaking in their boots or they wouldn’t be coming out with so many detractors the few days before the tea parties. Keep up the good work and you will save your children’s futures 10 generations out.

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