Thursday, July 9, 2009

CAP and TRADE 20 Talking Points - A Between Post Post

Just finished my study on Cap and Trade. I hope these talking points help you with your Senator. Let it be so! Please call and fax your Senator EVERYDAY!

Most of these are tweetable as well. Others you will have to shorten.
  1. Cap and Trade is the largest single welfare bill ever written, again redistributing my paycheck both overseas and here in the US
  2. Cap and Trade will require government inspectors to tell me what I must replace to even be able to sell my home. Roof to toilet!
  3. Cap and Trade requires every house be registered in a national database as to its energy efficiency which means inspection – who pays?
  4. Cap and Trade registery in database leads where exactly? Some newly created agency can tell me I have to upgrade whenever they want? Will you find a way later to fine me?
  5. Cap and Trade requires that all Real Estate Appraisers will have to be retrained, and tested, and their schooling paid for by us!
  6. Cap and Trade gives even more money to the failed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We're already in a housing crisis, it'll make it way worse!
  7. Cap and Trade puts the Full Faith and credit of the US is pledged to interest and principle payments to the guarantee for retrofit and the mortgage. As if FNMA hasn't screwed up enough!
  8. Cap and Trade creates Carbon Derivative Options: We are going to allow these to be traded around the world – like CDO’s. We haven't learned? It's even the same damn acronym!
  9. Cap and Trade offers grants to take companies overseas because they can no longer justify remaining in the US. Call your Senators!
  10. Cap and Trade offers grants to help companies do “market studies” to determine what they can do after CAP and TAX puts them out of business! They ADMIT IT!
  11. Cap and Trade is expected to lose 2.5 million jobs a year. Frankly, I think that estimate is quite low - it's always at least double what they say it will be! Call your Senators.
  12. Cap and Trade will create a trade war because in order to try to force countries to reduce we will place pressure through the UN according to the Wall Street Journal? Did we elect the UN to be our government?
  13. Cap and Trade calls for refusing to import other countries products if they do not comply to our idiocy by 2020. So we can't make it here and we can't buy theirs? Wow.
  14. Cap and Trade will increase every single item we buy, exponentially, kill the housing industry – create serious issues for all the foreign countrymen who own property and expect to be able to sell that property….it is a nightmare waiting to happen…the ramifications are literally the most unbelievable that have ever passed through the halls of congress.
  15. Cap and Trade will place limits on our energy usage. Could easily go as far as to shut us off during certain hours without warning.
  16. Cap and trade builds more agencies, boards and bureaucracies than any bill to date. EVER.
  17. Cap and Trade places California standards as Federal building codes on every single State, little nook and cranny in the country. We see how well California manages its agencies, right?
  18. Cap and Trade will place requirements on all building code departments in the nation, 3 mandatory full time people, the Inspector, a Health and Human Resources person and One other government agency person. How will Podunk, USA handle the costs? Raise your property tax of course.
  19. Cap and Trade is one hidden tax after another. That 2k increase per year in expected additional expenditures? Yeah, I think I would triple it for budgeting purposes.
  20. It’s all really simple. We can’t afford the bills they are passing, we can’t continue to “print” our way out of a recession, our debt is currently at nearly 400% of gross domestic product without Cap and Trade, Healthcare Reform, and this NEW new stimulus, Stephanopoulos brought up on Sunday. They are just priming the pump again.

In the Great Depression in 1933 total debt topped out at 300% of GDP. This current financial crisis could be more severe in magnitude and length than the Great Depression and we don’t have the strength or the gold behind us anymore – which is EXACTLY the reason the Senate just today said NO to the Audit of the Federal Reserve! They don’t want us or anyone else to know how much is NOT there against our debt.

I can't stress enough how significant Sunday was as Stephanopoulos led Biden down the primrose path of “stimulus not working” do we need a new stimulus bs. Today Bloomberg reports that an Obama advisors says we need a new stimulus because the other isn’t working.

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