Sunday, July 5, 2009

Maybe in a Way, Holder Was Right

Whether or not you believe in God, you must admit there is good sound advice in the pages of the bible. The one that comes to mind in these terrible days is “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”

I say terrible days because they are terrible. Just the short list of “terrible” is pretty astounding!

  • Worldwide Economic “collapse”
  • North Korea testing 9 missiles July 4th alone! (Guess they want in on the fireworks?)
  • Freedom lovers like Neda slaughtered in the streets of Iran
  • A mysterious Swine/Avian/Human Flu threatening to kill 40 a day by summer’s end in the UK
  • A Honduran coup (because their President was shredding their Constitution) while our President supports the ousted despot
  • Israel losing their country one slice at a time by mainly our President, but also International force
  • Sharia Law suddenly becoming the law of the land in the common law based UK, making the Queen a puppet
  • The swift loss of our freedoms here in our own country
  • Staggering job losses
  • More than staggering debt
  • The massive loss of our homes
  • A created “energy crisis” that will indebt us even further and ruin our ability to compete
  • The probable loss of even our own private healthcare so we can insure millions of illegals while you and I get taxed and rationed on our insurance
  • A President and Congress that almost seem hell bent on our demise by saddling us with astronomical debt to build overpass bridges for Microsoft and building “monuments to me” buildings for overinflated egos that we cannot possibly fathom nor afford
  • Right down to our choice of light bulbs – forcing us to replace safe, cheap bulbs with expensive poisonous ones

Why is all of this happening? I think it is because we lack knowledge. Because knowledge is the only thing that has the potential to set us free. We bought the lies they sold us.

We want sound bites; we want the McDonald’s version of history, economics, and world order. We want to live our lives seeing the issues solved in less than one hour just like on TV and we want to trust the “good guys” will win. We mistakenly believe that the “good guys” just happen to be the ones WE elected to office, regardless of the evidence that is staring us in the face.

We try to tell ourselves it will work itself out. We question our concern. We actually want to believe whatever they tell us, even though our senses are screaming NOT, basically because we want stuff. We want an armchair life to being the quarterback. We want to sit in our easy chair, cloaked in expensive jersey, stuff our faces with pizza while we spit all over the screen as we shout our ‘shoulda, woulda coulda’ directions at the four inch Quarterback inside a tube. Why shouldn't we? After all, that's as American as apple pie, right?

Only problem is, this is not a game. This is not a drill. This is a “Go To Jail. Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass Go” card.

Eric Holder, our newest Attorney General called us a nation of cowards. Although he wrongly said those words in reference to race, in our heart of hearts I think we all know that he was half-right. He’s not right in the way he meant it, but through the opposite of what he said. As a whole we are coddled; we are comfortable on our couch and we are afraid to say much about the President because he is the first black President, even though he’s not black; at least not any more so than he is white. We want our life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, yet we want it without a price to us personally - we want it in our armchair. (It's okay if the other guy pays a price though, after all, he chose it, right?)

We are afraid to criticize too much because they might call us a racist. No, no and Hell no! They are the racists for even entering that thought into the equation! This is our Administration we are talking about! This is our country! I don’t care whether the man is white, black, or freaking chartreuse! This is the guy who is running our country right into a deep dark hole with the help of a one party rule Congress and a passel of unelected “officials”. This is Bush dark, peddling the same crap on another day courtesy of Goldman Sachs and company! I am not a racist, but I am a patriot and I want my country back from whatever (party, person or president) is trying to take it away!

We have stopped trusting ourselves and our own brains. We hear statements like “I want to help you” from our politicians, and we want to believe them because we have lost so much trust in ourselves that we think we can’t possibly help ourselves.

Oh, we’ll be macho at our tailgate party, at the bar when we can barely remain seated on the stool and some jerk makes a pass at our wife, or while we sit in our living rooms screaming at the TV, but we aren’t really. We are just posturing. We aren’t macho. We are soft, we are scared, and we are cowering because we want what we want when we want it and we don’t like it when we can’t get it. We see what happened to people like Neda in Iran and we gawk as though we are driving by a gory accident. The real problem is that we don't think it can happen here! Not in America! We think it is sad, but that is all. We should be in front of that White House right now!

We think that maybe, just maybe, big brother is right. Maybe if I just keep my head down when they tell me to, not grumble too much as they indebt every household in America to (currently) a whopping $546,000 apiece in future taxes, if we just allow them to pick our pockets whenever they want – maybe then they can give us what we want. We can keep our job, we get “Free” healthcare, we make sure we have our TV to mesmerize us to doldrums, have ourselves a little vacation, a beer and an iPhone when we want one, and we tell ourselves it’ll be okay. After all, they "say" we made this mess, so we guess we just have to take our lumps.

That is wrong on so many levels, but I truly do believe that every single one of us is guilty of thinking that big brother just might be right - at one moment in time or another - because it is just easier!

It’s isn’t easy starting a revolution, but whether it is easy and comes in a cardboard box and a side of fries within minutes of our order like Honduras', or we have to build another world stone by stone simply doesn’t matter. What matters is that we wake up and realize (finally) that they really only want the rest of our money so they can be hugely, obscenely rich and they can stay in power. We simply get to be the slaves that make it all possible for them.

To do this, they must break us of our wealth, our spirit, our liberty, and our will first. They started with our wealth; they are simultaneously working on our spirit and our liberty. Our will comes next. That means they start taking everything away from those who do not comply - including our armchairs, our electricity, our very ability to sleep in our own beds.

News flash - we already are their slaves; we just haven’t figured it out yet. Or if we have figured it out, we don't want to believe it! The only thing left for them to do is the privation.

If we perish for lack of knowledge, then obviously we survive with it: right? Isn’t that what it means? Perish means to die of violence or privation (death by neglect, denial, devoid of any stimuli), to pass away or disappear, to suffer destruction or ruin. The opposite then is to survive, which means to live after an occurrence, to get along and remain happy, healthy, and unaffected, to pull oneself out of a dangerous, life- threatening situation while others around you die. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that government can help me; they can’t help me to be successful, save myself or to live. In fact, I think government is a lot like TV. While it might on occasion be entertaining, it makes me dull, dimwitted, spoon-fed, unable to fend or think for myself and frankly lackadaisical.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to post a series of articles. We have to gain this knowledge. We have to realize that this is not a “McDonald’s fight”. This is the real thing. We have one of two choices, to perish or to survive. To put it another way, be slaves or free men.

We now have a new fight before us, Obamaminions are laying the groundwork for his third term. He is making his move on the 22nd amendment which is the one that limits a President to two terms. Jose Serrano, D- NY introduced legislation in the house to repeal the 22nd amendment, to take it away, to say it is no longer valid. A grass roots movement is underway (ACORN) to make Obama's third term possible. A beautiful big website is set up for donations to end the 22nd amendment, (BTW - does it ever concern you that there seems to be NO END to the money to build websites on the other side? Ya think maybe ACORN is spending their 8 frigging billion dollars they were awarded in stimulus to build these websites?)

So the moral of this story is this. The very thing that the Honduras President was ousted for in last week’s coup, is the very thing that Obama is trying to do right now! (Would explain the constant campaign mode.) If we allow this to continue, it does make Holder right and us simply cowards; quite unlike the people of Honduras who were able to peacefully dispose of a budding despot.

Ok. Order up?

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