My key problem is now, "Where shall I start?" Is it with the President as CEO of the now Government Motors? Naw, that's old news. How about I start with what else happened while he was busy putting on the news blitz smokescreen that made you and I purveyors of warranty safety on each and every GM vehicle?
The toss up says I will focus on Mr. Harold Koh. If you know who Harold Koh is, please raise your hand. [Lengthy Pause] No takers today? Okay, I'll share.
Harold Koh is Obama's new appointment for Legal Advisor to the Department of State.
Harold Koh is former dean of the Yale Law School.
Harold Koh has written several books, among them "The National Security Constitution: Sharing Power after the Iran-Contra Affair (Yale University Press,1990); Transnational Legal Problems (with Harry Steiner and Detlev Vagts, Foundation Press, 1994); and Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights (with Ronald C. Slye, Yale University Press, 1999). He has also written many book chapters, law review articles, and other published works.
Harold Koh has some pretty "out there" ideas, the most unenjoyable by far is the fact that Harold Koh testified before the 2005 Senate Judiciary Committee that the appointment of Alberto Gonzales was undesirable as attorney general of the United States, because of Gonzales' alleged role in attempting to provide legal guidance to the U.S. military stating:
"The War on Terror "renders obsolete" and "renders quaint" aspects of the Geneva Conventions."
In another award winning unenjoyable statement, as it was reported by Meghan Clyne of the New York Post, Koh addressed the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, saying that in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why...
"Sharia Law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
Just in case you don't know about the type of things Sharia Law covers, punishment runs the gamut for any number of offenses, for instance: not saying your prayers facing East 5 times a day could result in a public flogging, disobeying your husband could result in beheading, theft can result in the loss of hands, feet or both, and imprisonment and public flogging for a single woman or widow to even speak to a single unrelated man alone.
Here is a video of Britian citizens gathering in a meeting to combat the recent law, that is not a law on the books, but is being practiced in the courts, to allow Sharia Law in their country.
Here is another video giving you just the idea of what types of things you can expect under Sharia Law in our country. I encourage you to click on the video and go see some of the related videos in this set.
Yeah. That's just what we need in America.....
More topics you should take a look at today and that I will probably go into later in greater detail:
1. Clinton offered an olive branch to Taliban in Pakistan right after they killed dozens who stood against them. (Free Republic)
2. On another note, Russia calls a return to the Gold Standard. As a friend and fellow freedom fighter said to me… “interesting that prior to the G20 conference, we appear to be being flanked by a calculating axis of "former" communists, who are actually exercising Austrian economic school doctrine in trying to stabilize their currency as opposed to the "kinkos" nature of the fed/treasury axis of evil. The dollar is in for a tumble, with pressure from all sides, most of all... ours.” I couldn’t agree. We are being conditioned right now to accept a new reserve currency and it will mean, more than anything, the end of America as we know it. (Free Republic)
3. The President also signed the massive Omnibus LAND MANAGEMENT BILL yesterday, placing many simple things under “federal imprisonment” should we innocently do them, such as collecting rocks or fossils, and which is filled with pork out the wazoo. A total of 170 bills are in this baby and Reid did a little sleight of hand to get it through. Take a gander at
4. Oh, and we can’t forget Kerry’s renewed interest in banning weapons due to the border war manufactured truths….
5. Watch out for HR 1444, the adjunct bill to HR 1388 in committee now. This one seeks to make service mandatory again, something the HR 1388 took out.
6. From Yid with a Lid Blogger, George Soros and John Podesta are trying to "quiet" non-liberal commentators through convincing advertisers to pull their advertising. Check out his blog, it is always good.
7. In another brilliant move, this from DC Examiner "the House Financial Services Committee, led by chairman Barney Frank, approved a measure that would, in some key ways, go beyond the most draconian features of the original AIG bill. The new legislation, the "Pay for Performance Act of 2009," would impose government controls on the pay of all employees -- not just top executives -- of companies that have received a capital investment from the U.S. government. It would, like the tax measure, be retroactive, changing the terms of compensation agreements already in place. And it would give Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner extraordinary power to determine the pay of thousands of employees of American companies."
Perhaps now you can see I don't know which topic to cover first, last or in the middle. More to come on these last 7 and more.
Until then, have a great day and fight the good fight! And always remember....Don't get mad, get even.